But I don't want to be in the media. And I also have a job. I literally can not come hold him after his game.

But we always find a way to reconnect. One the nights I can be with him, he always has a demand for a specific home cooked meal and drink, a literal scalp massage, he wants me to bath him, and then spend the night watching whatever of my choice and cuddling while I treat his leg.

Football has been a rough journey for him, and my purpose on the field now is to in fact support him. I'm it here for a certain job, though players still come up to me assessments and help, I'm here as his teammate, girlfriend but that sounds cliche.

However the game eventually begin and carry on. Yamir is playing beautifully. A huge difference now is he plays a whole lot smarter. He's completely locked in and focused, nowhere but in a hyper-focused mentality.


My heart was racing.

I could hear it at all points if my head and even felt the pulsating in my feet, but I couldn't even focus in that because all I could think Scott is how this moment is bigger than us all.

The hours, sacrifice, focus. The blood, sweat, and tears. Hurt people hurting people. Abs ask the responsibility that come with being who we are. We thought all I'd it was for this moment right here.

Abe that's where we were wing. Standing here today, hearing the crowd roar, cheerleaders and dancers screaming. Camera crew and other players. All the smoke.

This moment right here is for this generation abs ask the ones to follow. This moment is facing all of those who bet money, pride, and happiness on or downfall. All of this.

Instead of raining to a big walk to rejoice in, it's just a bigger door. Instead of excitement, happiness and pride. Nervousness, fear and anxiety filled of both me and him.

Not that any of it mattered though.

A few purple were waiting on us at the other end of this tone, but millions not have no clue. This moment right here signifies the restart of Yamir's Carter. But most importantly the growth is him mentally, physically, and emotionally.

The thought of me wishing I was on the other end of this tunnel, where I'm supposed to be passed. However games ores was for me to be there. Not only here in this tinted, but at his side the entire game.

So even though us hard. I swallowed all my emotions, heading ask the dices echo and voice it if the tunnel.

I walked up to Yamir and gave him a backwards huff. As much as I wish I could have this with him, this is a journey he's going to have to begin in his own. And I'll always be 2 steps beside him.

There were many things I probably could've said, but I couldn't think of a word that corms suffice. Words that could take his stress away.

Then it occurred to me. There were 3 that could do just the thing.

"I love you." I told him, holding him tight just as he was to me. "You've got this."

He didn't respond and that's ok. I looked over his shoulder to see tears running down his face.

"Forget all of that." I told him, resorting to the overwhelming crowd and band, also to the crew telling him to hurry too if he was going to go. "Do it for the 3 trade of little boy who just wants to play football."

I kissed his shoulder before taking a few steps back. Placing my hands behind my back abs fighting the tears fighting to spoil.

Table stood there for a minute. Not moving at all.

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