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June 5th

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June 5th

We sat in Outback awkwardly, silently chewing at the bread looking from person to person. It was so awkward, not to mention there wasn't hardly anyone in the restaurant anyway.

"So, did we just become hated by a entire preserved and reserved Native American tribe?" Carter blurted in an old man talk show voice, directing all eyes on him.

"What?!" I exclaimed, wondering how and where he got the words he chose to use.

"No." Kaya reassured us, the corners of her mouth twitching from trying to house the grin threatening to break through.

"It was like they've never seen a fat back person person in their life." Jayla attempted to mumble but everyone heard her.

"Well that's true for a lot of us." Kaya said with her head titled, causing the entire table to erupt in laughter, especially Jayla.

"It was like those 2 black folks on a train full of Asian people and they were all turned flat around staring at them folks." Relly said, still bent over in laughter.

"I feel like nobody liked me and then some were flat out in awe." I said, remembering all the looks I got.

I think the reason why these two races respect each other so much is because we as a whole don't give a damn. They were looking at us and we eye looking at them, no judgement though.

"Somebody asked me was this my real hair." Carter said messing with the ends of his freshly cut hair.

I took Carter to my hairstylist and he got his hair But and dyed, the top so blond it was on the verge of being white, but because of his stance, skin tone, personality, and face structure, he easily and smoothly pulls it off.

He was definitely feeling himself, until we visited Kaya's family on the Texas reservation. We genuinely tried to do research but there is hardly any information on the tribe so we went in blind and came out stunned.

It was a great experience, they were all kind and welcoming, but they were definitely eyeballing us down, I'm assuming seeing the beauty in black excellence.

"Genuinely what did they think of us?" Relly asked, thinking she was slick sliding the bread in a ziplock bag in her purse.

"They thought Blyss was a model she was trying to figure out what her name meant because she has 2. They thought Relly was gay,"-

"Not a good thing?" Relly immediately questioned.

Relly is that slightly questionable friend when it comes to relationships and sexuality, one of which I know I can't say too much about. I personally believe she's straight and I would doubt she would be with a woman. If sure would, it would have to be Teyanna Taylor or Ms. Black Panther. Other than that, I believe it's a bust.

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