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January 24th

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January 24th

"Good morning guys," I said as everyone came in.

Even though working with Yamir works my nerves, working with one client for 2 hours in a relaxed empty space before rush is everything.

I walked on in with my band new purse from Target, a light brown leather mini backpack purse and my work tote. I also had breakfast in my hand, so I had a lot.

"Good morning B." Sam said holding his first out for me to bump.

"Eat." I told Yamir, sitting a Hardee's bag on his lap before clocking in and grabbing my paperwork for today.

"I'm not hungry." He responded handing it back.

"I didn't ask. So today we're working on mobility and flexibility." I told him as I left the room, making sure my times were right and I had the right note sheet for today.

"So, this gon be light today?" He asked squirting grape jelly on his biscuit.

Do just as I say.

"Yup." I told him think I through everything I wanted accomplished.

The first thing I did was eat, turning in the Tv to watch a few minutes of House Hunters with the guys before actually beginning our routine.

"I saw what you guys were talking about and you know what might be encouraging?" I asked Sam and Keith, referencing the conversation we'd had a few days ago.

"What?" Sam asked coming over to sit on a yoga ball beside me.

"Going to the gym every time he goes to PT." I told them before clicking my tongue in success.

"I can't leave him though." Keith pointed out, squinting one eye at me like I was dumb.

"But you can have the workout here." I trailed doing the weighted up and down hand motion with a straight face.

"Forreal?" Sam asked looking around the room.

So he'd have to move some things. He can say it's part of the workout.

"Yeah, just don't be too loud or tear anything up" I told them, pulling the aggravating sticker of the orange juice bottle.

It's just so inconveniently placed. I went over to Yamir, thankfully the guys already placed him on the table. I took his braces off and eyed his leg. The whole thing has a purple hue to it and was still distinctly swollen.

"Is it getting harder to move?" I asked him looking at the sight.

Obviously, he isn't icing and giving his leg a break from the brace. Chances are, the thing is probably not on his leg properly anyway.

"No." He answered, already trying to find a way to scoot back to avoid my hands.

"Yeah, he can barely lift it." Sam said as he walked by, taking my suggestion very seriously.

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