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March 6th

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March 6th

"At this point, I'll just walk." I huffed under my breath, fighting the urge to say fuck it, take the rental car and drive myself back home.

The girls and I decided to have a girls trip in Pensacola since these last couple months have been a rollercoaster for us all. Not to mention, I'm going to have Carter over the summer, but during the summer, vacations are almost double the price they are now.

"Oh my God! Where's my nigga with private jets? I wanna be like Quavo, private jets we don't do layovers." Relly gushed, singing her shoulders side to side with her hands clasped in front of her, gushing about her favorite rapper, all because of his looks and infectious personality.

I rolled my eyes, readjusting my stance every few seconds. Why the hell is there a standstill boarding?

Finally we made it onto the plane and to our seats. The three of them sat together because I wanted a middle seat, just not between them. There are such large personality between us that when we're all on top of each other, I get claustrophobic. I require a  moments peace in the plane, I'd be in pins and needles the entire duration of my stay.

Taking off always made my heart race uncontrollably and the first hour is always rough for me. I regretted the decision since I was alone, even though the girls were only two rows ahead and constantly making sure I was ok.

Automatically I side eyed the two men I was sitting between, both older Caucasian men, both seemingly capable of falling asleep, snoring, laying their head on my shoulder. However, the guy to my right, who also had the window seat, introduced himself  and we actually had nice conversation the rest of the way there.

Because our flight was delayed for so long, we had to wait an hour for a new rental car, however it was much appreciated because we grabbed a much needed sit down lunch and even looked around at some boutiques.

Finally we made it to the Airbnb without me having my record timing 5th mental breakdown doing something other than my hair.

The home was nice and cozy with a medium brown hardwood floors, with a foyer, office, and bedroom suite upon entry. Then there was an open concept living room, kitchen and dining room. Upstairs, there was 3 more bedrooms, all vastly different but definitely accommodating.

"Period!" Jayla exclaimed, being the last one to sit their stuff down in their room.

"I think we should hit the streets." Relly said making me look at her like she'd lost her mind, which she evidently had done.

"I think not." I said, sitting down at the peninsula seat, not planning to move unless I was getting on my freshly sanitized bed or cozying up on the L-shaped couch to watch a movie.

"I do not want to stay in the house all day." Kayla wined, looking at me with a puppy dogface.

I'm not surprised I'm the mom of the friend group, it just kinda sucks to be the bad guy sometimes, however it's always in instances like this. I'm simply too tired and jet lagged and I'd rather not try to navigate a new city in this condition.

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