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August 1st

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August 1st

"You have to vlog every portion." I told Yamir seriously, seeing him looking at the camera instead of recording with it.

"Why?" He asked, looking at me as if I was the most boring soul to ever exist.

"Because every bit is significant to your growth." I told him for what felt like the millionth time.

"Me being in the car?" He questioned, genuinely trying to see if I was forreal.

"Yup, give it here." I demanded, holding my hand out for the camera.

"You ought to be experienced with the camera, you been in all Jayla's recent vlogs." Keith told me, watching as I used the bottom of my shirt to wipe the lenses.

"That chipotle TikTok." Sam added which did in fact get my attention.

That video went viral. Over 5.3 million views and 1.2 likes, literally what felt like skyrocketed Jayla's following as well.

"I will say, you nailed that." Keith told me, giving me my props.

"I know." I said flipping my braids over my shoulder. "I'm just that talented. That great."

"So you can turn the thing to face you so you can see yourself." Keith explained to Sam, the both of them looking extremely confused though.

"Vlog." I said, handing it back to Yamir.

"No you got it." He told me, pushing it back my direction. "You're significant in this journey."


I hold the camera up and immediately blush in embarrassment, feeling awkward and I can't even pressed record.

"How I'm supposed to do this and you can't do it." He questioned, recording me.

"I can." I said confidently, sucking my cheeks in attempts to hide me being flustered.

"Well do it." He told me, making me realize there were 2 flashes on me.

"It's weird. Everyone's looking at me." I giggled, smiling because of all the pressure.

Even though I'm laughing and giggling now, rest assured this camera will be used. It was too expensive not to.

"Stop looking at her." Keith told everyone, pushing Sam's arm down.

"You're still looking at me." I exclaimed, side eying Yamir.

"I know." He responded cockily before snickering between his teeth.

I looked down, getting it over with.

"Whoops, it's recording." I said, realizing all of this foolishness was caught on camera.

"Alright shhh." Sam said, getting everything silent so all attention was on me.

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