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July 12th

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July 12th

"Hey pop." I greeted, already halfway listening and I made the call.

"Hey baby." He told me happily, smiling ear to ear.

Believe it or not my granddaddy is the true breath of fresh air when it comes to him and my grandmother. We bought him an iPad for Christmas and he never knew how to work it. Evidently he figures it out and now he loves to FaceTime us.

"How's Grammy Byllie?" I asked, not seeing or hearing her.

"She's doing fine." He told me dismissively, his smile dropping a tad bit but smoothly recovering.

"Mom told me she fell." I added, looking to see if he recalled that piece of information he failed to give me.

"She did." He said blandly, playing with the grey straggly hairs in her beard.

"What happened?" I asked slowly, hating that he never reiterated on the fact.

My grandfather is strictly logistical. If something happened and you know why, don't dwell on that mistake and keep moving forward. I'm sure he's had to tell this story at least 5 times.

"She was at the shop alone during closing and the floor was wet and the lights were out. She couldn't see so she slipped and slid." He explained, sipping his cup of unsweetened tee.

"Is she ok?" I questioned, beginning to become worried when I realized I couldn't hear her fussing in the background.

"Yeah, just itching to get out the house." He told me, showing me the collection of stress toys I had delivered to him.

"Couldn't be me." I told him, sitting back a bit.

For some reason, this week, there has been nothing more satisfying than getting in the car, going to buy something to eat, walking around a store, and spending the last 10 minutes of my lunch break.

Not to mention, I also found out I have the best schedule in the building. Since Yamir is back on tour, I returned to my original schedule 9-7 hour lunch break and 2 beaks, opposed to 4-5 with Yamir then 9-6 at work. Those days were freaking exhausting.

"Well you know us Packesons love to stay in the house. Now when you were going to tell me you're giving ole boy a chance." He demanded, making me jerk my head back.

"I'm n- " she sighs. "How did you know?" I sighed, knowing I wasn't going to be able to argue with him,
Only due to the lack of mental capacity.

"Even though you hate it, it's this gleam I love and excitement in you that I've seen once before." He told me deciding to pick out the beard.

"I don't want to get hurt again." I told him truthfully, watching this old lady limp to her car.

"Did you tell him?" He asked me, like I'm a small child trying to learn conflict resolution.

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