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May 24th

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May 24th

"Thank you for coming to help." Jayla said, pulling her wig off and sitting it down on the couch in between us.

Jayla texted the group chat with an SOS saying she needed someone willing to help and with time tonight to help her with some packages.

I didn't want to have to leave my house if I didn't have to, but Relly already took a night shift and Kaya had night classes so I came down here after making dinner for Carter.

"No problem." I told her, finishing the last of my Cookout, washing it down with a sip of my big gulp.

"Why are you so good at PR boxes and goodie bags." Jayla asked, frowning at her her own packaging after peeking at mine.

"My moms had me doing them for every birthday party I had, eventually all my brothers, and helping out around Christmas" I explained, grabbing one of everything that wasn't cluttered.

We are currently seated in her recording space which is bigger than my kitchen and living room combined. She actually had the largest house out of all of us, being able to turn a huge upstairs loft space into her recording room, using both of her spare bedrooms to store supplies for her.

"I need to do 160 of them." She mumbled, looking the complete other direction.

"How many have you done?" I questioned, although based off of the height of the boxes all piled into a mountain of about 5 feet tall, I might already know my answer.

"1." She answered early, getting to the poorly made PR package. "But I did print the address stickers!"

"Girl," I deadpanned, seeing how wide the mountain was and the darkness that already consumed the sky outside.

Like I said, I did come help, so I grabbed three boxes and a small bag of crinkled tissue in, grabbing one of the inventory and including the necessary items in each box.

"So what's on your mind." Jayla asked, turning on Sweet Tooth in the background.

"Why the fuck would he say that?" I blurted, glad someone I could trust asked that.

"Say what?" She questioned, but knowing at all what I was talking about.

Sighing, I gave her a backstory before telling her everything that occurred but too long ago and hope it has been weighing on my mind ever since.

"I hope it would be because he means it." She answered, finally realizing the gist of the situation.

"But why did he say that? He could've said anything else." I said, focusing on neatly taping the boxes shut and applying the correct address sticker.

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