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February 11th

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February 11th

"Brother!" I shouted, running straight into my little brothers arms.

He's my twin flame, my baby. It's been weeks since I've seen him, but with him being 16, that could be a year for him. I'll never forget the overwhelming emotions teenage years brought me and I don't want this distance to come between that:

"Sister!" He said right back picking me up, squeezing me too tight, rocking us side to side.

"Well hey to you too." Jordan mumbled, jealous.

I pulled away from my little brother, and opened my arms wide just to curve Jordan once again and give my future sister in law a huge hug.

"Hi Jaleia." I told her, engulfing her in a huge hug.

"Hi. I made these for you." She told me hugging be back before handing me a small gift bag.

"Really?" I questioned, digging inside the bag excitedly.

She's extreme shy, which I can understand but she's reserved as well, just like me. Since I've gotten to know her, it's been really important that I approach  and embrace her, but I know my brother really is vouching for this.

My mom is happy as long as she's respectable, respectful with the right morals and with something going for her, so of course she passed in that department easily, but I've noticed that it's important that I create a whole bond with any spouses of Jordan's. It's something he really takes see.

"Yeah I didn't forget." She told me, rocking back and forth on her heels with a smile.

I opened the stripped paper bag and immediately got excited. I knew Jaleia was in love with candles, but I didn't know she was making them. Inside the bag, there were two candles wrapped in tissue paper. One had a nice floral scent, one you could actually smell and it doesn't smell like outside, and the other was a homey vibe one, I couldn't necessarily describe it though.

"Thanks." I told her pulling her into another hug.

Then I gave my big brother his hug, even though he didn't hug me back, I still rocked us side to side and rubbed his back before making my way to the hostess.

Once I told the hostess our table name, she lead us to a table in the center of the restaurant. Immediately I noticed the amount of chairs around the table but maybe this was the best the restaurant could do for our size.

"Hey mom," I called out when I saw her, breaking her attention from her phone.

"Hi my baby." She said, taking off her glasses while getting up to pull my into a hug.

"Pops!" I called out going to sap him up.

"Yo kiddo." He said before kissing my forehead and pulling out the seat right beside him for me.

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