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March 4th

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March 4th

"Hello." I said as I walked in Sam's apartment.

We've known each other so long yet I didn't even know what his living situation was. His apartment gives borderline penthouse vibes, but what I loved the most was his house was clean and simple with different pieces and elements that really represent and express his personality well.

"Hey." He responded, gesturing for me to come in while he handed me a cup of sweet tea.

That I really appreciated. He doesn't care for sweet tea at all but I hate hot tea, so we have to just compromise and not have tea at all. It's nice to know he remembered.

"How is he doing?" I asked, snuggling up on his couch while he pulled out a basket of unfolded laundry.

"I mean he was released, given pain killers and antibiotics and a whole bunch of other stuff but I haven't heard from him." He said simply, turning on his gas fireplace.

I decided to stay quiet. When this whole situation happened a week ago, I didn't know what to think then and I kinda don't now.

"Have you?" He questioned, realizing I didn't respond in any way.

"No. He been blocked me." I told him, dropping my arms in defeat.

When we found out about what happened, I already had my suspicions. It killed me not to say anything but I thought it's be obvious and the doctor would point it out.

Which he did.

What I didn't however expect was for Keith to completely deny it. Not only did he deny and form of domestic abuse from a partner, he denied having a partner at all.

And of course I chewed him out.

But his big boy move was blocking me.

And I'm definitely not going above and beyond for someone who don't even want to talk to me.

"Blocked?! Girl what did you do?!" He exclaimed, obviously finding that out of character for him.


"Well Yamir is worried sick about him and I'm pretty sure he's going to go get him." I told him, not knowing how to feel about that situation either.

I told Yamir, I had to and he's determined to go get a man who'd rather stay in that predicament, so I don't know how this is going to blow over.

"Whatttt? Well I know he's pissed at you." He said, raising his eyebrow.

"I know."

A few seconds passed and my leg began to shake. It was freezing in there but the entire situation was overwhelming.

"What are you not telling me?" He blurted, looking me dead in the eye.

"I don't know. I honestly don't know what's going on." I responded truthfully, which was the most unsettling part.

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