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December 26🎄

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December 26🎄

"Yamir let these folks do their job. Quit being so difficult. The poor lady is just trying to go home." I basically pleaded.

Now usually I can get a little dramatic, but dead on my feet is exactly what I am. I've been here for hours was at the stadium for hours, walked around the whole thing hours before, and drove here hours before that. That makes it official, my first night pulling a solid all nighter. 26 hours of hell in a lot of ways.

"Blyss." He moaned out his lips all dry and cracked.

The poor man looked pitiful. His hair was matted to his forehead in an unpleasant way, his entire body looking slightly damp. And the way his head was thrown back on his pillow gave off slightly depressed vibes. Pitiful is the only way to describe it.

"What?" I questioned yawning.

Even that action took part of my entire soul.

"My leg." He moaned sitting his head up just enough to look at me and then let it drop back onto the pillow with a slight thud.

"What's wrong?" I asked eyeing that chair in the corner.

My feet still burned and that seat was wide open but the second I sit down I'll be knocked out for good. Unfortunately that's the last thing I need cause once I'm sleep, I'm not getting up. Especially not today.

"It's broke." He whined making em side eye him.

Isn't that the statement of the season. I mean the world knows that by now. I've know better than to log onto social media right now.

"I noticed." I answered sarcastically nodding off, finding comfort in the corner I was standing in.

"No like it's hot." He complained making me smack my teeth.

Last time I checked I do not look like a nurse. I don't know what he think I can do about it.

"Hey," I said into the call thing not really knowing what to say.

"Yes ma'am," someone responded almost immediately.

"Has he been given a pain killer?" I asked confused on whether I had to keep pressing the button for the lady to hear me or if I was accidentally tearing the stuff up.

"He's on a sedative. We'll give him one when it wears off, we just need to make sure everything's ok." She responded making me nod.

I'm not quite sure when it wears off but obviously it's not working. I wonder if that period pain pill even worked. To think I want even in my period and had it in my pocket. That's not checking your pockets before washing for ya.

"Ok." I answered before standing over his bed trying to think of what to do next.

"I'm going to go clock out, I'll be back tomorrow. His night shift nurse will be in here soon to administer his night pain killers." The nurse said, scaring me half to death.

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