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May 27th

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May 27th

"I think it's really cool what Yamir is doing." Quavion told me as he helped himself to my butterscotch candies on my rolling cart.

"What?" I questioned, popping his hand and putting the rest in my pocket.

He'll eat em all if I leave em there but I'll eat em all at once if they stay in my pocket. I'm definitely an old lady at heart, there's always some form of peppermint or church candy easily accessible to me.

"Touring the country. That some rapper mess but then he's visiting PT offices and holding field day progress situations. That's really dope and different. Nobody's done it and at least not consistent like that or on a big scale." He told me, flaunting his L.A. Rams bracelet he recently bought.

To be completely honest, I haven't even been keeping up with their progress in the league. They might completely suck, I just know Yamir was a huge aspect and they were scrabbling the rest of the way through.

"I definitely agree." I told him, really admiring the amount of effort and time Yamir and his entire team put in to make this both successful and impactful.

"So what are we doing today BB?" He asked, gaining an immediate side eye from me.

"Where did you get that from?" I questioned, not too fond of that nickname but still genuinely curious.

"Your name is Blyss Brielle... I follow you on Instagram." Q said in a duh tone, dramatically using hand gestures so I would have my Ah ha moment.

"You're weird!" I exclaimed, remembering seeing that notification but only following him back to be nosey.

"Whatever. What's today?" He asked, having a better attitude than I've seen since forever in him.

"Let's play baseball." I told him, pulling out the plastic toddler sized baseball equipment.

"What?" He questioned, looking at me like I was nuts.

"Of course it's going to have a twist. Please don't tear my stuff up." I told him desperately, knowing I'd never be able to afford a single thing in here in case it breaks.

"We got the big room."

"And you have to pick all the balls up." I told him, hating waking around to go get the stray ones.

"I want you to pitch first but when you pitch, Imma need you to stretch your arm out as far as it go and use that to propel the ball forward. Not your wrist. If you use you're wrist to throw then I'm going to beat you up." I explained, pulling him to where he needed to stand before taking my place several feet in front of him.

"We'll see. Batter up!" He said, getting ready to pitch. "You used to play softball in your day?"

"Nope!" I exclaimed, popping the p.

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