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March 20th

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March 20th

"Hi Mrs. France," I greeted, waiting for the older lady to join me at my station.

I've expressed that my expertise really lies with athletes to my boss so I am fortunate to mostly work with young kids and athletes, but not everything goes in my favor all time. I usually have two or three knee or hip replacements and the occasional I tripped and fell.

"Hello darling." She responded, wheeling over to me in her wheelchair.

Mrs. France is a petite older black lady with chocolate skin. She first started coming to me when she got her hip replacement a few weeks ago and I'm sure she could walk short distances with a limp but she's determined to wear all braces and equipment and keep the wheelchair so she could be "paraded around in fabulosity and add a spark to her marriage."

"Have you been doing your homework?" I asked her, already knowing she'd lie.

Almost everybody lied, hell I lied.

"No ma'am but I did put a little extra strain on my knee today." She told me making me furrow my eyebrows.

I don't know how she did that since she's determined to be wheelchair bound, but she seems to be alive and alright.

"Doing what ma'am?" I questioned, helping her out her chair and onto the work table.

"I went out to feed the dogs and the blind one ran into my leg and made me fall over a bit, but I caught myself on the corner of the table and cut my hand." She said showing me her left wrist which was wrapped securely with gauze hanging out.

"Did you feel any extreme pain?" I asked her, observing her leg closely to see if there was anything major I should be concern about or at least aware of.

"Nope, I just put some frozen peas on it while I watched my soap operas." She told me, starting her warm up stretches with ease.

"And how long was that?" I questioned, trying my very hardest not to laugh at her.

"About thirty minutes." She told me with a careless shrug, before laying back for comfort.

"Well I'm going to need you to get off of dog duty until I release you and I've already told you it's not good to leave ice on for more than thirty minutes. I also recommended for you to alternate ice and heat if needed." I reminded her softly, trying not to come off as show off is because she will put me in my place over nothing.

"Oh no it was too hot outside for me to heat up a towel. You know Francis is coming down with something that keeps her cold so the house is too warm for that." She told me, waving my advice off.

I didn't argue, as long as I do my job, she'll be healed. What she does at home may or may not effect that progress but that has nothing to do with me. I can only recommend the beneficial things.

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