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February 26th

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February 26th

"Move out the way! Auntie Bri coming through," I demanded, swiftly making my way in the hospital room, dropping my stuff in the doorway, and immediately B-lining to the bathroom to wash my hands for exactly 2 minutes.

"Hi Auntie." Leia called out excitedly, I could practically hear the huge smile on her face.

"Hi there. Leia!" I said excitedly jumping up and down, before drying my hands and opening my arms for a hug.

"Come on we'll take you." She told me after I hugged her, holding her stomach as she hobbled down the hallway.

"Blyss. I had a baby." Jordan exclaimed, wrapping his arm around me as he walked, a huge white smile overtaking his whole face.

"You didn't have anything." Leia rebutted, sending him a sharp look.

"Sorry. We just had a baby. She helped a little bit." He corrected, tucking his lips but still holding me tight.

"You're the reason we're in this situation. Couldn't keep your liquids up yourself." Leia told him at We walked for what felt like miles.

"I don't want to hear any more of this." Jordan answered holding his hands up.

"Hush," I told him, concerned by the long distance between their room and the NICU.

"Here's baby girl. She's in the 7th incubator." Leia said sweetly, instantly swelling with pride as soon as the infant was in eye sight.

"Awww she's beautiful." I exclaimed, coming all the way up to the glass to get a close look.

"Thank you." Jordan answered, just as close as I was, obviously filled with admiration.

"What's her name?" I questioned, not really knowing what to expect because they were indecisive for so long.

"Averah Hope Packeson." They both said in unison.

Thank God it isn't something tacky or just wrong. I'll admit, some names are cute and creative. I'll also admit that my first name is an emotion so I can't say too much, but it sure would suck if they names her something way out of pocket.

"Hi gorgeous. She's beautiful." I said before stepping up to get a closer look, there was something a bit off about her.

"But she looks awfully familiar." I told them, straining to see past her baby features.

"Mom said she looks like a mix of you and Leia, but has my eyes." Jordan told me, which made sense.

It's like even though I've known her for a few minutes, I definitely know she's a close relative of me. Not just my family but me.

What really does make it odd is the fact that all three of us, my siblings, looked completely different as babies. We all resembled a close family member in some way but we were definitely our own people.

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