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1 year later

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1 year later...

Who would've known 2/3 years ago, I'd be back on this field?

Me, I mean, I was here with good and professional intent, but in this way, definitely not me. Returning to the L.A. Rams field game day on the sidelines is a bittersweet moment.

Yamir made his grand return back to football this season after hardcore training with the weight of the world on his back. The physics and mental aspect is grueling but what eats at him is topping and bettering himself.

By setting he bar and the standard for football, he made it so much more difficult, but also more rewarding. But no one cares about that.

No one cares about anything he's done since his injury when he's back in the field, just him meeting expectation he set. Not to mention, the Rams did not have a great year whatsoever. So not only does he have to train and recover, he's got to rebuild.

More than anything, I relate to the investment and love he has in his sport, but as much as I help, I do love pissing him off.

A lot has changed in my personal life as well. I still work my same job with my same purpose, but not financially afraid. Somehow, we ended up with a rushed case for the lawsuit, and I was awarded a whopping $3.4 million.

But I ain't rich.

I paid off my house and bought another one. I paid off my parents and grandparents too. I wanted to do the same for my brother but he refused, so after some digging, I found out how much he owed, doubled it and put it in a trust fund for Averah, all while paying off her NICU bills.

I knew there was no way I could keep all that money. I donated some, invested in others, providing homes for the elderly, a center for those struggling with mental health issues, scholarships, and aide in medical assistance.

The rest however is tucked away.

The biggest move however was buying a home with Yamir. Neither of our places were home to the both of us anymore so we bought a nice home we could meet in the middle on, paying a mortgage of course.

Now it isn't all sunshine's and rainbows, cause me and Yamir just don't get along all the time. It gets to the point where I'm yelling at him and he's snickering because he knows it'll piss me off. There's times where we're play wrestling. Times where were love making. A lot lord of those. Times where we're bonding, but all moments I wouldn't trade for the world.

But the hardest nights of all wee game nights. If always brought back memories of the pregame excitement but instead, Yamir had driven himself to the point of literal panic attacks pregame.

Not to mention, post game terrors. Post game, he tries to do a little bit of press, but after that is where we get into it. He wants me to be up his ass after his games especially.

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