The said men beat up the driver and the vehicle caught fire with the dates in it. After they made sure the whole of the van had caught fire, they left the scene..."

Zayyan immediately stood up as though he was pricked and pressed his index finger on the table, slowly saying in anger, "And you didn't think to tell me that as soon as you found out?"

"S-sir... we th-thought--"

"You thought what?" He pinched the space between his brows to try to calm his temper. "You know what? Did you find out who the person that sent those men was?"

The company's investigator said in a low tone, "No, Aamir, we're still wo--"

In anger, he cut him off. "Don't you dare tell me that crap! I give you a week to find out who that person is. You hear me? All of you hear me?!"

They all stood up and bowed a little, "Yes, Aamir."

With that, he walked out of the meeting room in long strides. "Get the car ready, we're going to have to visit Mr. Muhammad."

He turned to Aaliy, "And you, book an appointment with him."

"Okay Sir." He immediately bowed and quickly tapped on his iPad screen.

After a few seconds, he looked up from the screen and adjusted his glasses, "Um Sir, he's actually not in Kano as we speak."

"Then where can we meet him?"

"He's here in Abuja, Aamir. A hotel to be precise."

Zayyan nodded thoughtfully, "Hm... How many minutes away is the hotel from here?"

"Approximately... twenty minutes, Sir."

"Fine then. Notify him and let's head for the hotel."


At the vestibule, Aaliy led the way to the reception desk. After exchanging some words with the male receptionist, he told Zayyan that Mr. Muhammad was waiting in the garden. Reaching there, the Prince spotted him at the farther part of the place covered in nicely scented flowers of different types.

But he was sure of one thing, Mr. Muhammad seemed familiar, it was like he had seen him somewhere before.

Omais saw him coming towards him and stood up to acknowledge him. "Salam Alaikum," Zayyan pulled out his hand for a shake. With a small smile, Omais replied, "Wa'alaikas Salam, Mr. Ahmer," while taking his hand.

"Why don't we go to the Masjid for Zuhr, before we begin?" He suggested.

"Yeah sure, why not?" Zayyan agreed. "Please, lead the way."


A while later after Zuhr, the two men, Aaliy, and Zayyan's bodyguards we're at a restaurant as Omais had requested. If not because his did not have a branch there in Abuja, the meeting would've been held there.

As for the Prince, he was the one that requested for a meeting, so he didn't think it was nice to tell the other party to go to his company instead. Even though business meetings strictly meant business.

"Mr. Muhammad, I called for this meeting concerning your delivery -apologies for the short notice..." Omais shook his head with a small smile while Zayyan continued,

"...i'm extremely sorry for the delay. I discovered there had been a problem with it but I assure you, myself and my employees are sorting this out. Bear with us please and as I said, the dates will be with you in no time."

Omais sighed. "Firstly, Mr. Ahmer, it was so very thoughtful of you to arrange a meeting with me concerning the delay, that shows how good and considerate you are as a businessperson.

You see, why I purchased those dates was for charity. Hence, the reason I wanted them before the holy month of Ramadhan, which is in two weeks, In Shaa Allah. That aside, you mentioned that there had been a problem. What could that problem be, if I may ask?"

Wow... that was straight forward.

Zayyan debated with his mind whether to tell him or just make that question slide. Come to think of it, even if he chose the second option, what would he say?

"My team found out that the delivery van was set on flames on its way to your warehouse," he spelt out his words carefully.

Omais' eyebrows rose in shock as he stared back at Zayyan's eyes. "SubhanAllah! How's the driver now? Is he alright?" He believed that a life was more important than any other thing.

The Prince nodded. "He is, gladly. Only got beaten up, but is stable now, Alhamdulillah," He continued, "About the dates, why don't we schedule the delivery to another date?" He quickly added, "...that's if you don't mind."

"Of course of course, it's fine by me. How about... next week?"

They settled on another day for the delivery. Aaliy felt useless because the Aamir had handled it all by himself.

'After all those yells, this is all I get in return. How sweet,' He thought sarcastically, sulking like a four year-old that was denied candy.

The meeting was concluded and both parties agreed on a certain date. Omais was patient and understanding, so it was easier than Zayyan had thought. Omais left first, while the Prince decided on having lunch before leaving.


Salam readers!

Thirty is down, am so excited for Chapter Thirty-one! Did you like this one? Thanks. You guys aren't voting or commenting and it's seriously demotivating me as a young writer.

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Assalam Alaikum🌹

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