Untitled Part 1

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The Guard



Linda A. Doxey

The New World

1690 A.D.

After many years lying in the ground I found the noise and clamour in the cave very loud. Paddy would often find me down in our bathing pool with my hands over my ears.

'Hey is the noise still bothering you?' He signed.

"Yes." I whispered. My voice had not come back yet.

"I think it will take a while yet." He said softly.

"It has only been three months."

"Be patient." He smiled.

"I am." I leaned my head against his shoulder. He snickered. "You were patient before now you are anxious."

"I guess because I missed so much." I felt him nod. "I missed the Shifter Gathering, The Official Vampire Gathering, the birth of your brother, Darin and our grand daughter, Patricia, the awakening of the manimals and all the little things that was not worth mentioning."

"I understand its hard coming back after a long time. At least you are back."

"Yes I know I will not miss anything else, I hope."

"I will make sure you are there." He smiled and kissed my forehead.

We held each other for a while.

"Still no sign of Draco?" I asked Paddy.

"No. No one has seen him since you woke up."

"I guess he was waiting for me to wake up so he could sleep." I said sadly.

"It looks that way."

I lifted my head off his shoulder slightly. "Quinn and John are back."

"How can ... Your hearing is that sensitive now. No wonder you find the cave noisy."

"They are now in the kitchen starting dinner."

"I am truly amazed." He stared at me.

I jumped at a few times. "What is wrong?" He held me tight.

"John is hitting something on the worktable." Paddy was looking up at the ceiling. "You can hear that?"

I nodded and held him tighter. I was listening to his blood flowing through his body, the air moving around his lungs and the gentle beats of his precious heart. It was all music to my ears.

"Do you need to feed tonight?"


Ever since I woke up I had to feed every two days. I would become very thirsty if I waited any longer.

"Do you think you will be able to come upstairs and sit through dinner before you go to feed?"

"I will try."

"Good. We do miss you, you know?"

I smiled shyly.

We went upstairs then to the kitchen. The boys realised when they said 'hello' real loud. It hurt my ears. Now they whisper.

"Mom." they whispered then hugged and kissed me. I sat away from the stove. The smells of the food cooking was still very overpowering. All my senses were extremely sensitive. It was very bothersome.

The Guard- Enforcement- part 5Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz