Chapter 51: Everything Is Annoying.

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'I fucking hate myself.'
'I mean, what the fuck is wrong with me?!'

"So, why did you bring me here out of all places? I'm not complaining! But you said that no one else knows about this place other than you and your brother.. So why'd you show me..?" Y/N asked him.

"Well you weren't having a good day, and you looked stressed out so I bought you here." He said. Y/N nodded

"I am.. Glad I met you.." Y/N said, forcing out the words. He looked at her.'
-chapter 27-


I lied down on my bed. Thinking about what Y/N had said. And she was right..
I really was stupid..

I shouldn't have stayed angry for that long..

'So I was being dramatic..'
'And now she hates me.'

'"You shouldn't have even stayed mad for that long, you could've let me explain everything but no, you wanted to be an ass"'

"I'm such an asshole..." I thought aloud.

Why haven't I noticed this before?
None of this was her fault.


And why was Mr. Renegoku even at the store..? He didn't even have anything in his shopping cart..

I just hope I don't bump into Y/N again... It's gonna be so weird..And there will be so much tension...

Is this how she felt when I was angry at her?

'How depressing.'

"It's whatever. I'll just figure things about by myself.. Since I don't know the real truth yet..."

"But it's going to be harder than I thought. I can't just go back in time.." I thought aloud.
"And I can't just..Apologize to Y/N as if nothing happened. I mean she's already ignoring my texts and calls and..Won't let me speak just like how I wouldn't let her speak.." I mumbled as I stared up at my ceiling, throwing a ball up and catching it once it got to my hands.

I groaned, annoyed.
"I don't even stand a chance with her now..This sucks."

I threw the ball up again, but it slipped past my fingers since I was thinking a lot and it landed right on my face. It hurt my nose

I quickly covered my face with both of my hands at the pain.
"Fucking hell..!"

(Y/N's POV):



I was fighting with a robot that Zenitsu's grandpa let me use. Since Zenitsu was being..Lazy and didn't want to fight.

'Not like he stood a chance anyways.'

I have been going at it now for sixty minutes. Non-stop.
The robot had levels. A lot of them. And I was on level one hundred and thirty-five.
Pretty impressed myself.

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