Chapter 48: Bad Days.

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Author-POV: (just for a bit)


Even though Aoi said she was going home.

She wasn't going home.
Aoi didn't even feel safe at all.

And that was only because Scarlett had her address. And she knew that.
Not to mention, Aoi was still a bit pissed off about her broken camera. That had a lot of evidence from Nicole's party.

And now they were all gone.

Aoi was heading over to Inosuke's house..
Because she thought he had broken her camera.

Her window was opened the day her camera broke.
And Inosuke is usually the only person who climbs through her window. So it had to be him.


Aoi knocked on the door. A fake smile on her face as Inosuke's grandma opened the door.
She admired Inosuke's grandma, no hatred towards her at all. Aoi was just hurt and she didn't want Inosuke's grandma to worry.

"Aoi dear, how have you been?" The old lady asked. Aoi smiled as she hugged her in a greeting manner.
"I've been doing fine.." Aoi lied. "Is Inosuke here?" Aoi asked.

"Oh yes he is here. Y'know, up in his room like always playing around. How come you haven't changed out of your school uniform yet?" Inosuke's grandma asked.

"Oh I just uh.. I wanted to come over here first before I went home. It's important so y'know." Aoi said with a little forced smile.

"Ah I see what you mean. Well you can head up on upstairs. I'm gonna be making food, if you want you can have some alright?" The old lady said.
Aoi nodded gratefully at the lady's kindness before heading upstairs, making her way to Inosuke's room. Glancing at the pictures that were on the wall, some of them were pictures of him when he was just a toddler..And he had a boar mask on his head. Aoi couldn't tell if they were real or not but she payed no attention to them after looking away.

She then entered Inosuke's room. As usual it was a mess. Aoi rolled her eyes.

Inosuke glanced over at Aoi, and he grinned.

"Ali!" He shouted.

"Shut the fuck up." Aoi told him flatly.

Inosuke frowned.
"No! You shut the fuck up first!" He shouted with a smile. He thought Aoi was joking.

Aoi was not joking.

She just stared at him.

Inosuke raised a brow before pointing at Aoi.
"Something seems different!"

Inosuke was clueless.

"I know you broke my camera. Just admit it." Aoi said.

Inosuke furrowed his eyebrows.

"What? I did not!" He said.

"Yes you did!" Aoi shouted.

"But I didn't!" He shouted back as he slightly shoved Aoi with his hand.

Aoi pushed him back a little bit and Inosuke..Growled.

(I do not like saying stuff like "He growled" okay?😭 it just..I don't like it but since it's Inosuke then he definitely growles and "barks"💀)

"What the hell?! Don't push me!" Inosuke shouted as he held Aoi's wrist.

"Don't break my shit then!" Aoi shouted as she used her strength to push Inosuke back just a bit.
Quite surprising since Inosuke was stronger than her..

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