Chapter 46: Sicknesses.

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It doesn't feel right to me.

Camila dying.. And them not knowing where her dead body was..

Inosuke was driving me and Robin back to my house.
And I had a lot of questions.

The lady told us that it was a relative of hers who found Camila's body one day and told her about it first before telling the police.

Apparently they don't know how she died. All they knew was that there was blood everywhere.

And when they came back with the cops, Camila's body wasn't there.

The only thing that was left there was a bullet.

Seems kind of stupid if you're asking me.

But what creeps me out more is the fact that Camila's body was found in the alleyway last year.

Didn't Scarlett come back this year?

Maybe she could be lying.

What if she never went anywhere?

Wait no. She did. It explains the address that Zenitsu heard when he was eavesdropping and the key that I found at Nicole's party..

But still.
It doesn't make sense.

Did Scarlett just hide Camila's body or some shit?

Should I even tell my dad about this case..?

I don't know..

I mean.. The police are stupid here..

I'll just.. Tell him later..


"I can't believe she's dead.." Robin said as she stared at the ground.

"Yeah.. Me too. It's weird though.." I said.

"Right? I mean.. It is pretty random.. In a alleyway.. She died in an alleyway last year.." Robin said in a shakey tone.


I didn't even know what to say.

"I wonder how her body disappeared out of nowhere. I mean.. It couldn't have just disappeared. Someone had to have took her with them..Or..." I said quietly.

Robin raised a brow.
"Or what..?"

"Nothing.. Never mind.." I said as I shook my head.

"Kay.. Well um, I'm gonna head home.. My dad is probably worried and stuff.." Robin said as she got up

"Alright then.. Um, get home safe I guess.." I told her.
She nodded with a weak little smile before leaving.

I locked the door.

I had walk in the kitchen and grabbed some water.

Before I took a sip from it, the bottle had a weird scent to it.

It smelled good.


I placed the bottle down.

'Why does it smell like that..?'

I only threw the bottle away.

Because.. I'm not dumb.


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