Chapter 3: Classes

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Well it's not really a chapter chapter but it's just so yk how your teachers is like and how the school is, yk.


"Good morning class. My name is Mr. Himajima, you may call me that. As you can see, every desk has your name on it. That is where your assign seat will be for the rest of the school year." The tall man said. He had glasses, and white eyes, I assumed he was blind. He looked really nice though.

I looked around at the classroom, each desk, had a students name on it. I saw mine in an instant.

As I expected, I have to sit all the way in the front.. Kanao sits right behind me though. There were some other students I knew from middle school to, I didn't talk to them a lot since I mostly hanged out with Aoi and Kanao.

I saw Tanjiro on the other side of the classroom. Kanao has had a crush on him since middle school, and I have been waiting for her to make a move on him. But she is to any, and so is he. They're very shy towards each other.

He waved at the both of us, I only nodded as Kanao shyly waved at him, I turned to look at her and wiggle my eyebrows, she covered her face, embarrassed.

"Alright. As you all may know, this is language arts/english, I expect all of you to follow the rules for this class, number one, please be respectful to your classmates, including I, second, don't do anything foolish, and don't bring any of your foolishness in here either. Is that understood?" The man said.

"Yes sir!"

"Alright. Now since it is the first day of school, you won't be doing any work today, or tomorrow. But for now, you can all get to know each other. Don't be to loud though.." He said as he went back to sit down on his chair.

I turned around on my seat facing Kanao and placing my head on my fists.

"This class isn't so bad.. I mean I don't expect it to be, but still, it's chill." She said, I nodded in agreement.

"Oh! By the way, I bought manga books." She said, I stared at her.

"Why the hell would you bring manga on the first day of school..? They literally have some here." I said. She shook her head.

"Do they have hunter x hunter though?" She asked me. My mouth made an 'o' shape.

"No.. They don't.. I love that anime though." I said, she nodded as she pulled it out and we began reading it together.

After about 45 minutes. The bell had ringed, which meant, it was time for us to switch classes.

Kanao and I quickly pulled out our schedules to look at it.


"I have science next, who do you have?" I asked her.

"I have computer, if I remember well, I'm sure that Aoi has science second period.. But I'll see you later Y/N!" She said as she waved, I laIly waved back and sighed.

"Where the hell are you Aoi.." I mumbled under my breath.

I was sitting at a table. With a boy who had a mohawk, he was pretty quiet. And he's very tall. He greeted me when I sat down, he is very kind.

Finally the bell ringed, and I had a worry expression on my face but it went away when I saw Aoi come in, gasping for air as she sat down right next to me.

"Y/N- Oh my- those stairs-" she said between each breath. I covered my mouth and placed my head down, trying to stop myself from laughing.

I then heard someone clap their hands, grabbing the entire class full attention. It was a women with dark hair, fades to purple. She was short. She had a butterfly hair clip on the back of her hair. And she had some paintings of butterflies on her wall.

💙*:..。o○With Me..?○o。..:*💙 (Muichiro x Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin