◆Chapter 100◇

Start from the beginning

"Everyone, listen up," came Mirko's voice through her earpiece. "Shigaraki's... in some kind of capsule. The capsule is probably an activation device. The Nomus started moving when electricity went through them. Like 'zap'! Don't wake Shigaraki up. He's not just a naughty kid anymore."

"We managed to fracture his capsule," Miyuki spoke into her earpiece. "Garaki's been taken out, too."

There was some crackling on the other end before she heard Aizawa's voice come through. "Hikari, where exactly are you? I'm heading to you right now!"

Before she could reply, though, the half-and-half girl felt a chill run down her spine as she heard sinister laughter above her. Then, in the next instant, she jumped out of the way as the Woman came flying towards her from the ceiling, her fist crushing the place where she just was.

"Hikari? Hikari!" Aizawa called from his end, only to receive no response from his ward. He glared at the Nomu he was restraining. "Damn it...! X-Less! Mic! Go on ahead and help Hikari!"

"Leave it to us!" Present Mic responded. He and X-Less ran towards the lab, only to be blocked by yet another High-End.

Miyuki heard the sound of battle taking place just outside the lab, but she paid very little attention to it as the Woman Nomu came at her again with a flying kick. This time, she raised a shield wall in an attempt to push the creature back, but only succeeded in delaying the punch that sent her flying into the wall beside Tomura's capsule.

The half-and-half girl lessened the impact as she sank into the shadows and reappeared behind an unsuspecting Woman. The Nomu turned around, but it was too late for Miyuki struck her with a close-range shadow blast that sent her slamming into Tomura's pod. Miyuki quickly launched herself at the Nomu from the front, her body lit up with the energy of both her Quirks as she aimed a punch at her. Woman jumped off the capsule, dodging with ease.

However -


"You weren't... aiming for me...!" The High-End realized, watching as Miyuki shattered another portion of the capsule's glass.

"I was," Miyuki replied, her blood-stained lips curling into a small smirk as she landed on her feet. "Kill two birds with one stone, as they say, but I missed." She rushed towards her using her speed. "I'll make sure not to this time!"

"Don't... underestimate me, hero!" Woman screeched, rushing towards her opponent.

The Nomu, surprisingly agile, tried to sweep Miyuki's feet out from under her as they met in the middle, but the half-and-half girl jumped into the air, two bright katanas appearing in her hand before she landed on Woman's back and trapped its head in a scissor hold. Immediately, she plunged her blades into the Nomu's exposed brain and set its entire head ablaze. A blood-curdling screech tore through its mouth and Miyuki maintained her hold on Woman, brightening the light engulfing her head until it spread to her entire body, preventing her from regenerating any further.

Just like she did with the other creature, Miyuki tore Woman's head from her body and jumped off of the creature as its body flopped to the ground.


Miyuki turned around just as she finished incinerating Woman's head and saw Present Mic and X-Less run into the lab.

Behind the three heroes, near the short-circuiting machine, a bound Garaki desperately crawled across the floor towards the remote lying on the ground. Beads of sweat rolled down his plump face as he neared it, the desire for his and All for One's dream so close at hand, right there in front of him - almost a reality -

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