Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

"I know we watched it, how you feeling Ry?"

"happy its finally done."

"Ryder dear its been along time, I hope you don't mind I was feeding the baby, its been so long since I got to feed a baby this small."

"He seems to really like you"

"Most babies do...."

"So Ry now that this is out, and everything if you ever need anyone to talk too call me, I know Joe sometimes isn't the most helpful."

"Yooo dick move"

"Well you're not."

"Anyways, Joey maybe we should start to head home, its a long drive for him and I want to try to get back before it gets to be his fussy time."

"Maybe you're right baby."

I took the baby from Marlene and strapped him into his carseat and after hugs to Marlene and Jon we were on the road. I just hope that the baby makes it home without fussing. All I want to a quiet night with Joey. He booked a couple club dates and I only have a few days with him before rehearsal starts. I honestly don't know how to feel since we been together the only time he has been preforming is that first night. Am I ready to be this big celebrity's girlfriend. I don't know how to sit back and watch girls just scream for him and throw themselves at him. I never seen Joey like a sex god but these girls do and would do anything to just get a chance with him, how do I handle that. I was deep in thought when we pulled in the driveway.

" were home"

"huh..." I said were home where did you go just now?"

"just thinking"

"Well come on Stryk is starting to wake up."

I put the thoughts out of my head not wanting to damper my evening with Joey. He quickly went to work taking the baby out the carseat and changed his diaper before laying him in the swing. Rocky walked over his tail wagging happily before he sniffs the babies head and kisses him carefully. Rocky loves Stryker and has to be wherever the baby is. He settled next to the swing and before we knew it both were asleep next to each other.

I grabbed Joey's arm to get his attention

"Baby look at them"

I couldn't help it, it melted my heart seeing it. Rocky was always Joey's security dog, until I came  and after that what I got was a protector and cuddle buddy, now that Stryker is here he will grow up with Rocky being his protector. I couldn't help but to grab my phone taking a picture before I sent it to my dad to see.

"Hey babe how about I fire up the grill and do some steaks and then we can play some darts."

"So you wanna get spanked I guess, you never beat me."

"If I remember right, last time we played I spanked you and you had to spend the night."

" Just dumb luck"

"well if its all then lets make a friendly bet"

" every bet we had left me horny and pregnant and then the other one left me sleeping over."

"If its any consolation you already had the baby and you live here.."

"Fine but I chose the bet and terms"


"first one too 100 wins, winner gets a yes day..."

"Yes day?"

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