Comincia dall'inizio

"If one more broom appears outside here for me to take, I'll be very pissed" Rosalind says causing Jackson to laugh and throws it at the ground.

"Uh, why do people keep leaving broomsticks on the porch?" Jackson sees them and smiles widely "Seeing as I'm not much of a 'sweep while the soup's cookin' kind of gal" Hayley says.

Jackson smiles even wider as he chokes back a laugh.

"Well, back in the day, it wasn't easy getting a preacher out here. So, if you were engaged, and you couldn't wait...then the community would let you jump the broom" Jackson says and Rosalind's eyes widen.

Hayley gives him a look that is visibly confused and oblivious to the sexual connotations.

"Couldn't wait for what?" Hayley asks confused.

Jackson can barely hold in his laughter and gives Hayley a significant look while Rosalind starts to giggle. Hayley looks at him, puzzled, and Jackson starts giggling along with Rosalind, before Hayley finally understands the joke and clears her throat awkwardly in understanding.

"Oh!" she says awkwardly.

"Yup" Jackson nods still giggling.

Rosalind bursted out laughing seeing their faces.

"Stop it!" Hayley glares at her.

The blonde raises her hands in the air in fake innocence.

Hayley waves the broom in the air before unceremoniously dropping it on the floor.

"I would have been happier with a panini press..." Hayley says.

Jackson laughs hysterically, and she smiles at him goofily.

"It's just a tradition!" Jackson explains.

"Yeah! Got it" Hayley says uncomfortable.

They sit in awkward silence for a moment before Rosalind rolls her eyes playfully and changes the subject and points to the tree branch in his hands.

"So...what are you working on?" Rosalind asks.

Jackson stands up and moves onto the porch, where he walks toward two sheets-covered mound in the corner.

"Oh! I started on this for your little babies when you lived here before. Now that they're alive..." He pulls off the sheets, revealing two half-finished babies cribs made out of wood with a crescent moon carved into the headboard underneath it "...I figured it was time to finish it"

Rosalind stares at the nursery in amazement, and after a moment, she smiles at him.

"Jack..." she gasps happily "...this is amazing! Thank you!"

Jackson clears his throat.

"Something else...I'm getting word from a few packs outside of Louisiana? They wanna be here for the wedding! They want in on the Unification ritual!" Jackson says.

"I thought the ritual only affected the powers of the wolves in our pack?" Rosalind asks confused.

"Unless they recognize me as their Alpha. Then your power becomes their power!" Jackson says excitedly.

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