Shaking his head, Aemond declined, "Sitting will not be necessary. I will wait here."

While rolling her eyes, Viserra walked over to the large mirror by her wardrobe, taking a first look at what everyone else had already seen. A laugh almost left her mouth when she set eyes upon the mess of her current state.

Her platinum hair was disheveled and partially brown in color from the dried carnage. She had wiped her face relatively clean but it was still obvious that she had been splattered in blood. Instinctually, she picked some bits off of her skin as seeing herself in the mirror began to make it itch.

It was easy to waste a few moments before deciding that she would take the rest of the dirtied clothing off of her body. When the cloak came off and she unbuckled the belt holding her blades, she looked back to Aemond who quickly averted his eyes. Smiling at his eagerness to look away, she walked to him while watching the girls come back once more with their buckets of water.

"Once you have filled the tub it would be lovely to have a cup of wine," she spoke, finding it nearly impossible to catch Elia's eye. The girl glanced at her and quickly nodded at the request.

"Of course, M'lady. I believe the requested food will be ready to fetch from the kitchens soon, I will obtain the wine as well." And with those words, she had quickly left the room to retrieve what was asked of her.

Looking back to Aemond, she noticed he was watching her chambermaids with an intimidating intensity. As Viserra had previously observed, he was not one to enjoy games. She could tell he was eager to talk with her about the day and was trying desperately to hide his impatience.

After a few more moments, Elia and Cassella came back with a new decanter of wine and a tray of food from the kitchens. She noted that the girls had brought her two new cups as well and smiled at the gesture.

"How else can we be of service?" Cassella asked them as she put the items down on the small table

"I believe that I have everything I need for the night, girls. You may be dismissed for the evening." Viserra smiled while motioning for them to leave.

Both girls did not move but stared at her for a moment longer.

"I am fully capable of bathing myself," Viserra chuckled, "Once I talk with the Prince, I will scrub myself clean. I do not want either of you to have to wash the blood out of my hair. Go. Take your leave and rest, I will call for you if you are needed."

In all honesty, she would have liked the help as the mess had dried solidly in hair. However, Aemond's patience was truly wearing thin and she thought it best to hurry on with whatever he needed to get off of his chest.

The chambermaids gave curtsies to the both of them and hurried off to their room. No sooner had their door closed, Aemond turned on his heels to Viserra and walked to her.

"Why did you and my brother evade the guards this evening?" He began, getting straight to the point and stopping only a few feet from her.

"We did not evade anyone. When we came out of the Dragonpit, the wheelhouse was unattended by both the driver and guards," she explained, hoping that she would not finish her day with another argument.

"Hm," he hummed, looking at her with a certain degree of suspicion.

She held her gaze and brought her eyes to his one, "You can choose to believe it or not. I do not care." Turning on her own heels, she went to walk into the other room.

"What you did today was reckless. You put the King's life in danger doing only Gods know what in Flea Bottom," he retorted, raising his voice just slightly but he did not follow her into the other room.

Inviolable Bindings | Aemond & Aegon II TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now