episode 12: part 4

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Junhyeon and P.Hanbin introduced the first subtopic of the party which was gifts. The first gift was opened first by the MCs.

"Tell us first!" The two yelled.

"We have a question for Sung Hanbin, the genius of hearts. What is the first thing you do after waking up in the morning?" Junhyeon asked. "Should I be honest?" S.Hanbin asked. "Were you planning on lying?!" Junhyeon gasped.

"Well, I mean, first, I wash my mouth and then I take 7 vitamin pills." He replied.

Everyone gasped as Mingze sighed. "I see him take pills during the third mission. I still wonder how he can handle all of that!" He remarked.

"Stay healthy everyone!" S.Hanbin smiled.

"Seok Matthew, have you recently learned a Korean word yet?" P.Hanbin asked. "Yeah, I have," Matthew replied. "Can I say it here?"

Everyone began panicking.

"'Totally doable'" was the phrase that Matthew said.

P.Hanbin laughed. "Okay, for Hoetaek, when do you find yourself cute?" He turned to where Hoetaek was sitting.

"Huh?!" Hoetaek was shocked at the question. "Right... now?" He did aegyo as he replied to the question.

Hoetaek continued to do aegyo to the Star Creators. "I..." He said in a cute voice. Mingze sighed, looking down at his lap.

"Let's try again!" P.Hanbin said.

"I had a dream... I had a dream about a ghost." Hoetaek covered his mouth with his fists. Everyone was terrified, especially Jay.

"Han Yujin, is there a hyung that torments you?" Junhyeon asked the youngest.

"Isn't he sitting in front of Yujin?" Kamden laughed. "Yeah," Mingze looked directly straight at Gyuvin. "Don't you torment Yujin as well?" He asked Mingze. "No... Well only a bit, but not as much as Gyuvin does!"

Yujin slapped Gyuvin's shoulder. "Gyuvin hyung!" He yelled. "When did I ever torment you?!" Gyuvin tried defending himself.

Mingze "looked" around the room. "I wonder."

"He touches my face all day!" Yujin whined.

More questions continued throughout the broadcast. One was Jay's question, which asked him to perform one of his trended moves on the 'Over Me' performance.

Jay did well performing that start, and he even mocked that one dance move (Lip J :unamused:) he had done.

Another question was for Kamden. The question asked why Kamden always leaned his body at a 45° angle. Kamden tried to reply, but he was leaning at the same angle again, making Mingze laugh.

"Which trainee has an interesting sleeping habit?" Junhyeon gasped. Mingze immediately stood up as he heard the question.

"Do you have a response, Mingze hyung?" P.Hanbin chuckled. As a response, Mingze slapped both Matthew and Zhanghao's heads.

Keita gasped, covering his mouth with his hand. "Their snoring... oh my god..." As you can see, he was definitely astonished by the boys' snoring.

"Mingze and I both had to leave the room since they were so loud!" He whined. "And we were so sleepy the next day as well since we didn't get any sleep!"

S.Hanbin continued the conversation "Oh yeah! And regular people would snore like." He snored regularly. "But Hao would go." And he released the loudest snore, it might've not been a snore either.

Mingze began to mimic Matthew and Zhanghao's snoring. "It's like they're in a snoring opera!"

"I also heard Gyuvin has a weird sleeping habit as well?" Junhyeon asked. "He sleeps with his face facing the bed!" Jiwoong said. He began to demonstrate how Gyuvin regularly sleeps.

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