episode 1: part 1

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Shen Mingze quietly entered a room. Was it even called a room? Whatever it was, it was very fascinating to Mingze.

"A star zone... interesting." Mingze thought to himself. He looked around the room, his body turning in every direction.

"Hello. My name is Shen Mingze. I am 22 years old, an independent trainee from Shanghai China." Mingze's voice spoke in the scene.

He looked down at his name tag to see 4 blank stars on it.

"Cheon... Ming... seo? What kind of Korean is this?" He whispered to himself.

"Korean..." Mingze's voice spoke again. "Is interesting." He giggled.

He looked up from his name tag and saw a bunch of pink stars in a ball. He gasped and rushed toward the large ball.

"Stick the stars on your name tag to reflect your skill." Mingze read. He took a ball of stickers with stars on them. "Out of 4? Erm... Maybe a 2. Just to be sure." He told himself.

He then placed two stickers on the blank stars of his nametag. "The pink is so pretty... It's probably the glitter that stands out the most." He gasped.

Mingze quickly left the star zone room and entered a new room.

A new and giant new room.

His hands brushed through his soft hair. "Thank god I showered well last night." He muttered to himself.

His footsteps slowly tapped against the ground as he now entered the giant room. He turned around to see a whole lot of people sitting on chairs.

His eyes widened.

Mingze's hands cupped his wide-open mouth. "What is this?!" He gasped.

Then, he remembered the Boys Planet that was sent to him.

"Oh right, there would be 98 boys. I should've remembered." Mingze muttered.

As he looked around the giant room, he noticed a familiar boy that caught his eye. It seemed like that Mingze also caught that familiar boy's eye.

Luckily, there was an empty spot in front of that familiar boy.

"Hello!" Mingze finally greeted everyone.

"His body proportions!"

"He's so handsome..."


Mingze rushed to where that empty spot was and sat down. As he sat down, he immediately turned around.

"Ricky, what the hell are you doing here?!" He whispered.

"No, what the hell are YOU-"

"No, you shut up. I'm asking you the same question-"

"Hi, Mingze!" Another boy next to him waved. That boy was Zhanghao.

For context, Ricky and Mingze are related to each other. Cousins, to be more precise. Zhanghao was a close friend of Ricky, so Mingze knew him along with Ollie and Brian.

The next person came out, it was someone from the K group.

As he came out, everyone in the room gasped. Everyone said he was handsome.

And indeed, he was handsome.

Mingze squinted to get a better look at the boy's nametag. "Sung... Hanbin. Wow..."

"He's very... very handsome!" Mingze emphasized as he was being interviewed. As everyone began to enter, there was only one spot left.

"K team?" Brian whispered behind Mingze.

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