episode 2: part 1

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All 99 contestants were currently sitting in a theater-like room, all chittering and chattering with each other.

Just then, a special guest entered the theater-like room. All of the boys turned around, surprised.

"It's Sunmi!!" Mingze squealed as be jumped up and down from the ground.

"Hello everyone. I'm Stat Master Sunmi." Sunmi said after she walked to the front of the room. All of the boys were yelling, cheering, bowing, and hugging each other in surprise.

"Your first episode is airing and I came to watch your first episode with all of you guys." She spoke into the microphone.

Everyone gasped and clapped.

Then, Haruto raised his hand. "Where... will you be seating?" He asked. This made everyone laugh.

"I'll sit in the middle-" Suddenly all of the boys were yelling which row Sunmi should sit that.

"Over here!"


Sunmi covered her face in embarrassment.

In the end, she sat in the first row.

The first episode was now airing. It first showed the Boys Planet studio lighting up.

Then, it showed a clip of Jongwoo's interview.

"Group G can't win Group K. Why? Because our roots are different." Jongwoo's voice echoed the room. Everyone cheered as the clip switched to Mingze lashing out.

"Huh?! Wait they're actually showing this?!" Mingze screeched.

"WHO DOES HE THINK HE IS?" Mingze's loud voice echoed. Luckily, he was yelling in Chinese, but there were subtitles.

"'Oh, because our roots are different' WE'LL STILL DO BETTER." He yelled, now in English.

He began to swear in both Chinese in English. The swear words were censored the whole time, making everyone, including Sunmi laugh.

Finally, the episode showed Doha's performance.

"Take you home tonight." Doha's 'singing' eased the room atmosphere. When the singing eased the atmosphere, Doha only fell in embarrassment.

Sunmi couldn't help but laugh as well. She left her seat to stand at the front of the room, laughing. As she sat down, she started to laugh loudly, only making Doha more embarrassed.

The clip switched to Mingze's interview. It showed him bursting out laughing and falling out of his chair.

"Take you home tonight-" His imitation of Doha's deep voice filled the room. Then, it was his laughter that filled the room.

He also did the small "steering wheel" gesture Doha had done in his performance.

This made Mingze in the interview and everyone else watching the aired episode laugh.

"I hope no one does something like this ever again." He sighed as he sat back at his chair.

The clip now switched to Mingyu's performance. The performance that gave the masters déjà vu.

"Take you home tonight." Sunmi began to laugh once again.

"Geurae, geurae, geurae." The performance showed Mingyu doing the "come to me" gesture.

Last and finally, it was the "HOT" cover performance

(I think you know why I didn't include the performance 1 or 2 chapters ago...)

The clip showed the intro of the song. Sunmi had already broke down laughing.

After the "HOT" performance, the ranks were shown. "Oh my god, this is scary!" Mingze screamed.

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