episode 12: part 2

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"We have 19 finalists now, I want to sincerely congratulate you all." Seokhoon began speaking. Everyone in the room

"We've worked on audition programs before. It's such a shame that 10 of you will be eliminated since you're all so talented." He sighed. The rest of the Star Masters agreed with Seokhoon's statement.

"So, who'll like to go first?" He asked. "We'll go first." Jongwoo immediately replied. Mingze looked to see Kamden's hand slightly raised.

He laughed at Kamden's disappointment.

"He (Jongwoo) was too fast!" P.Hanbin was shocked at how quickly Jongwoo raised his hand. "That's too bad..." Seungeon sighed in disappointment.

The 'Jelly Pop' team sat at the side of the practice room while the 'Hot Summer' teams stood in a line, in front of the masters.

"Who's the temporary killing part?" Seokhoon asked. S.Hanbin raised his hand as he lowered his head.

Soon, the evaluation began, and the team had a good start. They all danced in synchronization, causing the masters to be impressed.

"I'm jealous..." Matthew whispered to Mingze.

After their evaluation ended, all of the Star Masters applauded the team.

The next team was 'Jelly Pop.' The team stood up from the floor and lined up in one line in front of the Star Masters, as usual.

"Ooh, they've got a strong line of vocalists," Onestar remarked. Then, Solji suddenly gasped. "Jay is sub vocalist 6?!" She yelled. Mingze immediately turned to where S.Hanbin was sitting at.

"Which punk did this to Jay?!" Onestar stood up. S.Hanbin covered his face with his hood.

"Oh? Mingze's a rapper as well." Youngjoon was surprised. "Yeah..." Mingze softly replied, smiling widely. "Oh, even his smile is charming," Seokhoon said, writing on his paper.

"Ah- thank you," He lowered his head after thanking Seokhoon's compliment.

"Who's the killing part?" Seokhoon asked. Matthew raised his hand in response. All of the Star Masters nodded, immediately understanding that Matthew had the temporary killing part role.

"What if the Star Creators don't pick you?" Onestar asked. "Then I'll just have fun." He confidently responded.

"That's the spirit!" Kooyoung yelled.

The team began performing the song to the Star Masters. The song began with Matthew's rapping and the singing from everybody else. As Matthew rapped, everybody else was slapping their butts as they were supposed to do so.

Mingze lowered his head in embarrassment.

The team did well with performing their song in front of the Star Masters. The Star Masters complimented each of the team members, stating how impressive they were.

"Mingze, you really are an all-rounder." pH-1 gave a thumbs up to Mingze. "Thank you!" Mingze did a 90° angle bow.

"Wow... This is the first time we don't have to worry at all." Kooyoung gasped. "Right?! We have no worries!" Seokhoon agreed.

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