here i am with a pedometer

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"Hello." Jiwoong began, giving a small bow. "This is Jiwoong, an independent trainee."

"Hello, this is Mingze, an independent trainee from Shanghai, China." Mingze bowed.

"How many more times do we have to say this?" He whispered to Jiwoong. "I think this is the last time," Jiwoong replied. "Thank god, I'm tired of saying the same stuff." Mingze sighed.

"Let us shake our hearts from now on!" Both boys chorused.

The video transitioned to the boys putting on their pedometers. The song soon began after Mingze had attached his.

Both of them began to furiously and quickly step on the ground.

Mingze ran around in small circles in small steps.

"What part is this?" Jiwoong asked as he continuously stepped against the ground.

"Oh! This part is coming up!" Mingze gasped. As 'this part' sang, both boys were dancing.

"All day, all night long." Mingze hummed.

The boys continued to dance with a smile on both of their faces.

"Me, plus, you!"Mingze yelled.

Soon, the chorus started and both boys were now jogging in place and quickly stepping onto the ground. Mingze continued to jog while Jiwoong was quickly fixing his pedometer.

They both jogged for a few seconds when Jiwoong approached him.

"What? What- woah!" Mingze was now being carried by Jiwoong bridal style.

Mingze was now laughed as Jiwoong was jogging while carrying him. Jiwoong quickly let Mingze down onto the ground, and he continued to jog before the song ended.

The video transitioned to the boys checking their pedometer steps.


Jiwoong was the first to show his pedometer.

"191 steps."

Mingze looked at his and showed it to the camera. "180 steps." He groaned.

The video transitioned to Jiwoong.

"Okay, I don't have a lot of time. My name is Jiwoong. Mingze is... somewhere with the camera directors. I don't know where he is. Um- Please cheer me on. I love you." Jiwoong gave an air kiss to the camera.

Then, the video finally cut to the outro.

my feelings melting now, so lovely.

I love reminiscing with my friends!!! it makes me realize how much I've had fun with my friends at such a young age. i was just reminiscing with one of my friends just now while I was writing this chapter <33


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