episode 4

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"Hello!!!" Mingze waved to the iPad screen. He was currently recording on the iPad at 3 AM at night. "Lately, I haven't been sleeping a lot. I would stay up until 4 AM in the practice room, and I would sleep inside here." He commented.

"Tonight, I've done it again." He groaned. "When we leave this place I need to take sleeping pills and fix my schedule," Mingze whispered to himself.

"But anywho." He lifted his piano to show it to the camera. "I learned a piano piece recently. Do you know 'Congratulations' by Mac Miller?" Mingze moved his head closer to the camera to the point where the camera shows his brown eyes clearly.

"I will play it on my piano, and if anyone happens to come across this video and knows this song, please judge me on it." Mingze giggled.

The boy played a quick excerpt of the song. He missed a few notes, causing him to play the song about five times. After the fifth attempt, he was able to play the song successfully. Mingze had always wanted to play the piano piece a few years ago, he just didn't prioritize it.

"Alright, I should go sleep now. Bye-bye!" Mingze whispered, bidding goodbye to the iPad.


"Let's see which team is ready to perform now," Minhyun said. "Introducing this performance makes me miss my old members a lot." He commented.

"It's Wanna One's 'Burn It Up'" He finally announced the song.

Minhyun decided to dance a bit to the chorus of the song, surprising the audience and the masters. He stopped dancing after a bit, feeling embarrassed.

"I'm excited to see how the trainees of Boys Planet prepared their performances," Minhyun said. The two teams entered the stage shortly after.

Group G did their performance first. Although the outcome of the performance was alright, not good but not bad. There were a few mistakes when it came to vocals. 

In addition to the vocal mistakes, there were also a few mistakes when they were dancing. 

For Group K, the outcome of their performance was good. There weren't any major mistakes when it came to the song, so it turned out well. If there were any mistakes in the performance, it was only a few tiny ones.

After the performances, Group G's 'Burn It Up' came back to the waiting room.

Everyone in the Group G room congratulated them for working hard.

Just like before, the scoring table was now shown on the TV screen. The first result to be shown was the sub-rapper 2 role. Xianhao won against Seunghoon by an 89-point difference. Everyone applauded for Xianhao.

The final score was that Group K won the performance. 

Although Group G's 'Burn It Up' didn't win, the team was still congratulated for doing their best.

The next teams to perform were the BTS's 'Danger' teams. 

Group G's performance was good overall. There weren't any major mistakes that affected the performance. However, they were a beat faster a few times, luckily it wasn't noticeable to the audience (hopefully).

Group K's performance had a different outcome from Group G's. The rapping and the sub-vocals were good, but the main vocals weren't. Ichan's throat wasn't feeling too well so when he tried to hit the high notes, it didn't come out as well as it should've.

As usual, everyone from the 'Danger' teams came back to their separate waiting rooms to check their scores.

The first scores that were shown were the main vocalists. Ichan won against Yangjun by 2 points.

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