episode 11: part 2

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"The weather is so nice today!" Mingze grinned, looking up at the sky. "Oh, Jesus." The sky was too bright for his poor eyes.

"The place you're invited to is an animal forest." One of the producers announced. "We're animals?" Mingze turned to Jiwoong.

"You'd be a cat." He told Jiwoong. "You'd be a bunny or a fox," Jiwoong said.

"Are you a pig by any chance?" Jongwoo could be heard, asking Matthew. "No!" Matthew replied. Everyone began to laugh.

"Say oink oink." Jiwoong told Matthew.

"Oink oink?" Matthew was confused.

"You'll be cute animals for the day. You'll spend the day in the forest as animals living off the land." The producer spoke.

"With the items you won from the games you will be playing, you'll spend the day with them." He continued.

"In order to enter the forest, you have to be cute animals, right?" He asked. The producers then brought out a rack of onesies. "In this game, you'll decide what animals you'll be." The producer said.

"You'll have to wear pants quickly without hands in this game." He introduced the first game.


Team 'Over Me' began the game.

As the game started, everyone was already struggling to wear their pants. Zhanghao was swinging his legs while Jeonghyeon hadn't even started putting on his pants.

That was when Kuanjui suddenly split his legs to put on the floral pants properly.

After Kuanjui's cool method, Zhanghao bit on Ricky's pants, trying to pull them up.

"What- HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Mingze yelled.

Along with Zhanghao, Kuanjui also bit on Ricky's pants. The both of them were trying to pull it up while Ricky himself stood there embarrassed.

Kuanjui then used his foot to help put Jeonghyeon's pants properly.

"This show is PG-13!" Seungeon yelled. Jiwoong was covering Yujin's eyes when Zhanghao bit Ricky's pants.

In the end, the team failed.

Team 'Switch' was next to play. As the timer began, the team immediately crowded around Shuaibo, wearing his pants first.

Shuaibo was able to wear the pants correctly with the help of the team.

The team did this with everybody else. They got a good time because of their strategy.

'Say My Name' did the same tactic as 'Switch'. This time, they were in first place.

'Supercharger' also did the same strategy, making it no fun, as Kuanjui said. However, Haruto suddenly had the idea to bite on Ollie's pants.

And so he did.

Mingze screamed at the sight. "You're not going to see this today!" He and S.Hanbin both covered Yujin's eyes.

In the end, they failed.

The next team was 'En Garde'. Unlike the last three teams, they put their pants on individually.

The boys from that team were struggling.

"This is so sad..." Mingze muttered.

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