episode 2: part 3

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All 98 trainees entered a room in Planet Camp. All of the boys gasped at the shirts that were being shown at the tables.

"Are these uniforms?"  Mingze thought to himself as he approached the shirts. He quickly took the three-star shirt from the tables. "How cool," Mingze mumbled to himself.

All of the trainees who earned all stars then proceeded to walk to where their shirts were.

"The purple star shines." Mingze heard Matthew say.

Mingze thought that the all-star shirts were pretty. Maybe because the purple matched with the pink and blue. He then looked down at his shirt.

"This looks ugly." He thought.

Suddenly, all of the male masters entered the Planet Camp room. "We sincerely welcome all 98 trainees into Planet Camp." Seok Hoon began.

"Don't be sad that you got no stars, and don't let your guard down because you got all-stars as well." ONESTAR reminded everyone.

"Your final level will be reassigned after the next test." He announced.

Everyone gasped.

"We'll reveal the next test determining your final level." Koo Young said.

Everyone clapped and cheered.

"The next test is the signal song test." He declared. Everyone cheered once again.

Soon, the screen switched to a diagram that looked almost like a hierarchy.

"This is the signal song stage that you will be on. All stars will be on top of the stage where they will stand out the most. The lower your level, the worse your position on stage will be. Zero stars, which is the lowest level, will be considered to have the least potential as idols. So they'll perform on the floor. They get the least amount of screentime as well." Koo Young explained

"Based on the results of the signal song test, between Group K and Group G, whichever has the most stars altogether, will be given highlight parts. The highlight parts allow them to shine more on stage. And one more thing. The one who performs the most impressive ending and gets the killing part of the signal song would be one of the all-stars of the winning group." Seok Hoon explained the process.

"We'll now reveal the signal song." He smiled. Everyone had different reactions to that sentence.

"Already?!" Mingze gasped. "Wait a damn minute-" He realized that the song wasn't going to be revealed to him today.

"The signal song is... 'Here I am'!" The signal song title was finally revealed. Everyone began to clap.

"Are you excited to hear what kind of song it would be?" Seok Hoon asked. Everyone yelled 'yes'.

"Before we reveal the signal song, we'll only reveal the signal song a day earlier to Group K." He said.

All of Group K cheered while Group G sighed in disappointment.

"I'm sorry, but Group G should leave the room." Seok Hoon announced. Everyone from Group G began to leave the room. The door then closed.

"How disappointing..." Mingze told Ricky as he crossed his arms.

"We'll win next time." Zhanghao wrapped his arm around the boy's shoulder. Some of the boys of Group G tried to listen to the song that was being played.

Mingze followed Ricky who was also going to try to listen to the song.

"I doubt that you will be able to hear it." Mingze chuckled at his cousin. "The room is probably soundproof." He mumbled. Still, Ricky put his head against the door to try and listen to the song. "Nevermind." Ricky shook his head.

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