episode 8: part 2

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"I'm so nervous..." Mingze began shaking his legs. He tried cracking his knuckles to relieve the stress, but it didn't work.

Seunghwan held Mingze's hand tightly. Mingze could tell that he was also nervous.

"Before I announce the rank of the first survivor. I will announce the rank Star Creators have been anticipating to see. That's the candidates for 29th place, who will survive at the cut-off," Minhyuk said.

Everyone was surprised at how quickly the 29th-place trainee was going to be revealed.



"This quick?"

"I will announce the candidates for 29th place," He announced.

The TV screens showed that the 29th-place candidates were based on the vote at 1 AM. "1 am?" Mingze questioned.

The screen switched to the three candidates.

They were M.junghyun, Woonggi, and Jingxiang. M.Junghyun saw himself on the screen and gasped.

"It's me!" His mouth was wide open.

"The candidates are Mun Junghyun, Ma Jingxiang, and Cha Woonggi. However, these candidates are not based on the final results, but on the intermediate results taken 9 hours before the second round of voting ended. After episode 7 aired, a lot of the rankings changed in one day," Minhyuk said.

"I will announce the first position of the survivors," He began.

"Rap and dance?" Mingze whispered to the rest of his teammates. "No!" All of them crossed their arms.

"The position I will announce the first survivor is vocal and dance position!" Minhyuk declared.

"'Feel Special' team from the vocal and dance team, please come up." The team left their seats and went to step on the small stages a few feet ahead of them.

"Woonggi! Don't cry!" Mingze called out. Woonggi had begun crying after finding out he was one of the 29th place candidates.

"'Love Killa' team, 'Butterfly' team, and 'Home' team, please come up as well," MInhyuk instructed.

"They really started this off with a bang," L.Jeonghyeon said. "Right," Mingze nodded. "My hands suddenly feel cold..." M.Junghyun mumbled.

"The vocal and dance position teams expressed their charms well. They performed their songs with rearranged choreographies and songs. I will now announce the surviving results excluding the top 9 and 29th place." Minhyuk announced.

"The first trainee to sit on a seat has the highest rank within the vocal and dance position team members. It's the 12th place trainee," He said. Everyone gasped.

"They took my spot," Mingze laughed.

"The person that got 12th place has never earned 12th place before," Minhyuk continued. "The 12th place trainee is from the 'Home' team." Everyone gasped again.

They all began to discuss who the 12th-place trainee could be. It could be Jay or Seungeon. But Jongwoo would make a big comeback once again.

As they all discussed, Minhyuk spoke.

"The 12th-place trainee is Jay!" Everyone was shocked, but they proceeded to congratulate him anyway.

Jay went to the front of the stage to make his speech.

Afterward, he went to his seat as everyone applauded. "Alright, the next ranking of the next survivor is in 16th place!" Minhyuk announced.

"Compared to the rank he got last time, his rank rose," He said. "This trainee has a letter 'o' in his name," He added.

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