But what if she'll pour all her sass on me?

Nah, what the heck!!!!!

I saved her number on my contacts and started texting her.

"Hello Eleanor! 'sup? - Ally"

I waited for her reply

After 5 minutes of waiting....

"Hey, Ally!!! I heard you're in! CONGRATS babe! xxx -SassyEllie (

"Thanks! And, nah! I'll just keep mine simple ;) -Ally"

"Whatever! Mine is just great! Haha! - SassyEllie xxx"

"Oh, Eleanor! You're so sassy! We better get to  bed! -Ally :P"

"I get that a lot! Haha! Well, good night! I'm off to sleep! Zzzz.... -SassyEllie xxx"

I don't feel like replying so I just slid my phone under my pillow. 


I got into the shower, stripped off my clothes and put shampoo on my hair, soap on my body. Haha!

"I never gone with the wind... just let it flow... let it take me where it wants to go... 'til you open the door... there's so much more... I never seen it before..."

I sang to Taylor's song while rinsing the shampoo of my scalp.

 "You lift my feet of the ground... you spin me around... you made me crazier, crazier... feels like I'm falling and I am lost in your eyes... You made me crazier, crazier, crazier..."

 "NIKKA! YOU IN THERE?" Ally shouted from outside the bathroom.

"I'm busy babe!" I shouted back.

"HURRY UP!" She shouted louder.

I gotta get cleaner, fresher, and prettier! I'm getting ready for today's duty! I'm going babysitting! WHAAA!!!

I got out of the bathroom with my robes. I slid into my WALK- IN closet and wore  a light gray, V- neck dress with matching waist belt. I slipped into my bracelets. I wore my 3 1/2- inched black heels. 

"I gotta go Ally! Kendall is already waiting for me! We're going to our bosses!" I shouted and walked out of our room, not waiting for her response.

"Let's go?" I went towards Kendall then we both slipped out of the apartment.


"THIS IS IT!" I shrieked as we went inside a cab. 

We're going to the same building where we had our job interview. We're going to meet the lads in there. Gotta get to know each other and, some things like that. Then they'll bring us to their flats after.

"Hey, Rose Maylin just texted." Kendall said.

"What did she text you?" I asked.

"They're on their way..." He cheered.

"YESSS!!!" I hissed. "What about Stephanie?"

"Well, they're cousins! I guess they're together." he answered.

After 10 minutes...

"NNNIIIKKKAA!!! KEENDAAALL!" Stephanie greeted us with a happy, loud scream. 

"Hey Stephanie! Hey Rose Maylin!" I greeted back and Kendall here just smiled. 

"Just call me May. Because Rose Maylin is way too long." 'MAY' said with her sweet british voice.

"Okay, MAY!" Kendall said emphasizing her name.

Book I. Screwed Up (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now