Chapter 95: Elven Forest (Part 1)

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Kairos opened his eyes to an ancient forest. Shrouded with magic, it is impossible to teleport inside directly. The light sweet scent of grass wafted to his nose. Unlike most forests, this place is not a dank and dark overgrowth with a canopy that is so thick that sunlight cannot pass through. In all his experience travelling, this place is rather quaint in comparison. The sound of songbirds dotted the area, large trees that a full-grown man cannot wrap his hands around stood proudly around. There are not many ferns around, like a garden that had been well-tended. Instead, butterflies and small animals frequented about without fear.

Kairos did not enter the place immediately but waited for a guide to come for him after sensing the disturbance in the mana. He did not need to wait for long when the sound of rustling in the bushes announced the arrival of the forest guide. It was a male elf, dressed in fine leather and with long, pointed ears. He approached Kairos with measured steps, his eyes scanning the area.

"Greetings, traveller," the elf said in a musical voice. "You have crossed the border into our lands. What is your purpose here?"

Kairos nodded cordially to the elf, "I am Kairos Astroire. I just came from the Blackened Soot Mountain to seek an audience with King Veritus. I come with urgent news, the cultists of Nyarlathotep had appeared in the mountain heart."

After saying so, Kairos carefully observed the elf's reaction. He did not let down his guard when there are elves involved in both the Church of Unbound Fetters and the recapturing of summoned heroes.

The elf raised a delicate eyebrow, his emerald eyes narrowed with concern. "Nyarlathotep's fanatics, you say? This is indeed troubling news. I am a guide of the forest and cannot leave my post, but I will help you on your way."

Kairos did not see any suspicious movements from the elf. If he had his soul perception, he could at least tell if the person had small bodily signs of lying.

"How can I meet King Veritus, then?" Kairos questioned, realizing the elf's role, "I attempted to teleport directly to the elven capital, but there appears to be a barrier that stops it."

The elf gave a nod. "Our territories are, indeed, guarded by great magic that prohibits unlawful teleportation. There is, however, a way for visitors to employ teleportation magic within our realms. You can purchase a token that grants you this power for a single use at the next elven settlement."

Kairos answered warmly, "Thank you." "Would you mind directing me to the nearest community?"

The elf indicated farther into the woodland with a wave of his delicate hand, "Follow the trail through the trees, and you'll get there. It is not far, but you must proceed with caution since our area is charmed, and the road may not be what it appears."

Kairos nodded, unperturbed by the elf's mannerisms, they are after all well-known to be quite a proud race. To receive such patience from the forest guide is already unusual, likely because the other party recognised him as a mage who is at least Circle 7.

"I'll be cautious. Thank you for your assistance."

Kairos couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the mystical woodland as he prepared to enter it. The sunlight filtering through the leaves created dappled patterns on the woodland floor. The sound of rustling leaves and the songs of unknown animals filled the air. It was a haven of peace and wonder, in sharp contrast to the evil that threatened it today.

Kairos set off on his trek through the ancient magical forest, his face resolute. He was well aware that time was of the importance, and he needed to go to King Veritus as quickly as possible.

As he walked deeper into the woods, the sounds of songbirds grew livelier. Small animals started poking their round furry heads out from the undergrowth or trees to look at him. Kairos did not scare them away, but neither did he beckoned them over. They looked at him curiously. Although the animals are not like those from the cultivation worlds that has significantly increased sentience, they are still magical creatures that can acutely sense emotions. If Kairos had shown any sort of impatience of hostility, they would have scattered long ago.

Soon, a trail of small creatures followed behind him, nosey with who this new man thing is heading.

"W... who are you?" a squeaky voice asked all of a sudden. When Kairos turned towards the owner of the voice, he was not surprised to find it was a forest creature talking to him. This, is after all, a magical forest.

The first animal that decided to brave speaking to the human is an owlet. It shyly asked from a high branch, ready to fly away at first notice of aggression.

To the delight of all the forest animals, Kairos gave the owlet a polite bow and introduced himself. Right after that, small birds, squirrels, chipmunks, rabbits, hedgehogs, and all form of critters made their way closer and talked to Kairos.

"Why are you here?"

"Do you like our forest?"

"Do you want to stay here to play with us?"


Despite his morose temperament, Kairos had to concede that the company of adorable animals are lightening his heart. Besides, no matter how much he stack his worries up, it will not help Relestia a single bit.

In this magical place, there are no creatures that would prey on another, and so the animals are all rather bold. The foliage provides them with all the nutrients they needed, but in return, it takes away their ability to reproduce, so as not to make the woodlands too crowded. Of course, whenever too many animals dies, the plants will provide magical fruits that can help them reproduce once again so their numbers will never drop too much.

The things that the furry creatures asked are filled with innocence and naivety, like children that had never suffered the perils of the outside world. Kairos did not dislike such things. It was as if this forest is from a world completely different from everywhere else.

As he patiently answered their questions, a great white elk with majestic horns appeared from far and it approached Kairos steadily. When it came to his side, it nuzzled Kairos' hand before lowering its head. Kairos gently stroked the creature's head, earning a soft but hauntingly beautiful bugle.

The elk was completely white, without a single speckle or spot, as though to symbolise purity without flaws. Kairos took an instant liking to the animal.

The elk grunted contently at his touch, then promptly lowered its body to the floor and waited. Kairos did not refuse and climbed onto the beast. Now he also has a mount in this world. As he rode forward, he looked at the small animals all around him and started thinking of his familiar, the Apoidea Queen. It is a legendary creature that could produce and control insects when it has matured. Aisa noticing his thoughts quickly suggested.

Kairos had a feeling that this forest will be hugely beneficial to the Apoidea Queen. As for the other magical familiars, the elven lands will be good for them but not as much.

Kai, your familiar is bound by magic to you. If you want, it can travel to you anytime you wish

Kairos' eyes widened in surprise. There is no such magic from the books he read before.

"How do I summon her?"

Aisa proudly made a hum-hum sound in his mind, then proceeded to explain.

Following her instructions, Kairos concentrated on his magic contract with the familiar and activated the ancient magical bond between him and his familiar. His magical beast is a tiny fairy-like being with glittering wings and shimmering dress on a beautiful young girl. The only reason she does not appear human is because her skin is sparkling with a silvery glow.

At this time, she is playing hide and seek with the other familiars. The two-tailed fennec fox, the moon rabbit, and the wolf king cub are roaming in the playroom without a care in the world. Here, there are toy blocks, soft blankets, and all sorts of baubles. The little Apoidea queen had been directing her partners in crime and loyal retinues to the greatest work of the century: To build her first royal palace. Under her wise and flawless directions, the familiars were dragging over blocks, carpets and makeshift flags, but at this time she felt something tugged at her soul. Acting on instinct, she followed the draw and when she blinked, she is already besides Kairos.

Now without the ApoideaQueen's directions, her small friends are free to exercise their creativity.Overjoyed, the three of them started working on their new project, the bunnydecided the playroom needed tunnels while the fox and wolf cub decided to seewhat is inside of all the soft and comfy furniture.

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