Chapter 31: Audience with the Dwarven King

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Back at Edgar's dining room Sparrow's father coughed awkwardly and explained, "His majesty, Hogard Goldplate, wants to see the lad Kairos Astroire about his ale."

The dining hall turned rowdy immediately. Being summoned is a big thing, and punctuality is expected.

Yet, right now, the person being summoned still do not know.

Fortunately, the messengers this time is the high prince and princess themselves and would not be punished harshly.

Still, the irk of a king is tough to bear. Sparrow and her father hurried after Kairos once they found out that he should be at the inn.

When they caught him having dinner with Relestia and the rest, the two dwarves sighed in relief.

"GOOD NEWS!" Sparrow bellowed, "I've arranged a royal audience for you, Kairos!"

Kairos looked at the dwarf girl that suddenly rushed in and dropped the bomb. He wiped his hands on a handkerchief and then put the dirtied cloth aside.

After a while, Kairos nodded at the two dwarves and stood up.

"Then, I shall prepare myself."

Excusing himself, Kairos went to change his clothes.

Unexpectedly, when he returned downstairs, Relestia, Leo, and Linda have already finished their food and were dressed to go with him.

Unlike Kairos who had to change out of his blacksmith attire, the others only had to get a coat or put on some ornaments.

While they had not changed much, it was adequate to meet with the dwarven king.

Kairos gave them a nod and the group headed straight to the palace.

The dwarven palace is a colourful place. All kinds of rare stones and precious gems adorned the walls and are lit up by molten lava that never cools.

However, while walking through the place, Kairos could not feel the scorching heat he was expected.

Instead, the gentle glow from the magma only made this place more enchanting. Kairos looked around and as expected there is magic at work in this place.

Led by Sparrow and her father, the group continued deeper into the palace and as they walked, the magma slowly turned into a cold blue glow that continue to turn brighter. Until finally, when they arrived outside the throne room, the magma has turned iridescent white.

The guards outside the audience hall banged maces on shields and roared.

The louder their cries were, the greater their hospitality to this guest.

They were trained to make very precise volumes to announce the visitors' welcome.

For a moment, the noise that announced Kairos' arrival was equal to welcoming a prince of another race.

And, just as the bellowing ended, the gates to the throne room shifted open revealing two rows of dwarven soldiers that stood at attention, patiently awaiting the guests to step into the hall.

As Kairos and his party walked in, the dwarven soldiers will bang their maces just as they passed before reverting to an at ease position.

Two courtiers came forward and indicated to Kairos where to stand before backing away respectfully.

Then as everyone had come to a stop, they waited quietly for the king to address them.

Unexpectedly, Hogard Goldplate stood up from his throne with sceptre in hand and gave Kairos and his group a smile.

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