Chapter 66: Princess Luftie (Part 1)

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In the end, Snow accompanied Tommy to pick up the clothes together. To meet the princess of Logres, he must first be dressed in traditional garments.

Even though Snow accepted the arrangement made by Tommy's parents, her cheeks puffed up in anger. She understands the situation requires special handling, but to accept another woman into their relationship is not an easy thing.

Deep down inside, Snow personally do not mind such an arrangement. Growing up in a large clan, to be able to chase after her own love interest is already fortunate enough for her. However, as the one who came first, she wants to be Tommy's first lady. New additions to the family also need to pass her tests, otherwise she cannot keep harmony in the yard.

Unfortunately, the other party is a princess. Even if Logres is a broken kingdom, it is unlikely that the girl would humbly view others as her equal.

Putting aside if she could live peacefully with this princess, her status as first lady might not be acknowledged.

Tommy, on the other hand, did not think about all these nook and crannies. All he knows is that this is a stranger he had never heard before today, and now his father is going to arrange for them to be married.

After that his line of thought went blank.

Even after he was shoved into the weavers' guild and left in a full garb of traditional Logres suit, his mind remained in the clouds.

When Snow handed Tommy back to Asdis and Sidd, he was already suavely dressed.

A long tailcoat on a prim and proper white buttoned shirt and neatly ironed fitting white pants with high boots.

Tommy's figure looked tall and imposing in the suit, and had an air of sleekness, like a powerfully muscled panther.

The girls of the Snowdrifts stared at him openly. After trudging through the battlefield and trekking across snow and wild lands for a month, it was a pleasant sight.


Like a lioness that is protecting her hunt from hungry hyenas, Snow fumed angrily.

The other females acknowledged her territory and quietly backed away.

Unfortunately, those from Saint Empire have different ideas of how a man should look like. The female warriors that sworn allegiance to Tommy, took one look and returned to their tasks at hand.

Compared to the local men who hunted in the harsh winters of the north, Tommy is much slimmer and looked almost scholarly. There was none of that feral beauty found in their men.

But when Sidd and Asdis saw their son, they looked at him up and down appreciatively. Even if Tommy became as thin as a stick, they would still love him to bits.

Not fearing things becoming muddier, Sidd smiled and said, "My son sure is handsome. No wonder all the ladies are staring."

Asdis noticed Snow's expressions walked over and held her hand, "Oh my, are you my son's girlfriend?"

Immediately, Snow's barriers were broken. Her face flushed red, and she quickly looked down.

After a while, she finally squeezed out words that could hardly be heard, "N... no auntie... Not yet."

"Not yet? So, when will you be?"

Tommy caught the jitters immediately. Even facing thousands, he never felt nervous like today.

He rushed forward, standing slightly in front of Snow and said, "M... Mom! What are you saying?"

"Oh? You're so protective. Are you sure she's not your girlfriend?"

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