Chapter 69: Winter Drake Nest (Part 1)

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On the Snowdrifts' battalion square, a ruff tuff group of warriors lazed around without order.

The bulk of them can be described as improperly dressed and unkempt, regardless male or female.

Around the square, many are watching from afar. Most of them are the elites that followed Tommy from the Frosthral Feudal State. Some are the new recruits that had travelled far from Saint Empire out of loyalty. But because their commander had not spoken, none of them said anything and only eyed these outsiders fiercely.

On the battalion square, a thousand soldiers either sat, or laid down, or squatted in small groups. Some are obviously gambling, quite a few drunk, and not just a few are badmouthing Tommy and complaining about their misfortunate to be selected for this mission.

If Tommy had not known better, he would have thought that these people are outlaws rather than soldiers.

When he walked into their sight, none of them stood to attention. At most they gave him a passing glance and returned to what they were doing.

Many openly displayed their contempt and condescension towards Tommy. As for order and respect, those are concepts that does not seem to exist for these people.

As Tommy came closer, his presence became sharper with every step.

The Frosthral warriors – now renamed as the White Bear Unit for the elites that first followed Tommy and the Black Bear Unit for the defenders of Ku Kang Plateau that joined him second - perceptively sensed the change in their commander and they all stood at attention, leaving only the clueless thousand sprawled across the square unaware.

"You maggots are certainly aware of your impending doom, ye? You guys in such a rush to join your maggots family, huh?"

Several snorted and many cursed loudly, demanding Tommy to wise up.

The two questions hang in the air with no one interested in their answers.

"Looks like none of you have two brain cells in your head to rub together. Fools."

The cursing grew louder. If not because of the White Bear and Black Bear Units that are staring silently at them, they would have pounced at Tommy.

This young squirt thinks that he is their lord just because a princess they had never met said a thing or two.

Tommy patiently waited for their grumbling to die down. For a moment, the members of Snowdrifts that had come along seemed to see the image of Kairos overlap with Tommy.

No one knows if it was because of the sudden unnatural silence or him radiating an oppressive presence, the rowdy bunch quietened down.

"You lot deny that you ain't fools? Then, answer me. Do you know what mission you are on?"

Not a single person replied. Indeed, they were not told what they had been chosen for, only to listen to this young boy's instructions. They are the most unmanageable and disorderly bunch amongst the warriors. There is no way that their captains would have told them about the details of this mission, else their camp would be in a riot now.

As proud warriors, they couldn't accept being told to obey a boy who is not fully grown.

Finally, a voice asked, "What are we here for?"

Tommy looked at the person straight in the eye and said honestly, "You are to destroy a nest of Winter Drakes. A brood of a hundred."

None of believe their ears.

A drake could fight off ten men of the rank, but that is if they encountered each other in the wild. If there is a nest on the line, these beasts will be even more ferocious defending their territory and that is not considering if there are any eggs or hatchlings.

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