Chapter 41: Circle 1 Spells

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A simple spell distorting light protected Kairos. Right now he is like a chameleon that cannot be seen. With the help of the Assassin-type of Aura his presence became small and then disappeared altogether. Furthermore, it is the more advanced form called 'Hidden Step' – an Aura technique that allows movement while staying unnoticed.

The only thing that would give him away would be if he makes any sound. Fortunately, he had many experience in staying light-footed. Although he cannot claim to be an expert, it is enough to handle most instances.

Just as he seemingly faded away, the spell that the Aura Mage used landed on the ground harmlessly.

It is the Suppressive Aura magic that could turn the battle around.

Kairos analysed the mana pattern as the spell disperses after missing its target.

Using his Heavenly Sight that records every trace of mana he earned how to use that magic with a single look. It is simple but expertly useful.

To compress a large amount of Aura and stick it onto the enemy, it is definitely of the Arcane branch. So why did it lacked the homing function?

Kairos believes that if he recreates the spell, even if the target disappears he can lock on to a certain extent.

Seeing the spell fizzle out uselessly, the Aura Mage calmly gathered mana again. The three Aura Knights moved quickly and surrounded the group to protect them.

They had dealt with assassins before. Against someone who can strike from the shadows, the best moment to counter is right after the enemy strikes.

They are the best opponents that can guard against an assassin's weak but deadly blow.

Aura attacks can go through most physical defences, but Aura Knights can parry it. And thanks to the Spellsinger's spell which embolden one's heart, the amount of Aura those knights can muster is increased by a-third.

At the same time, the elven representative who is their only Assault Mage smiled confidently. In the time others were fighting, she had set up deadly magic traps around that are completely invisible. Even a well-prepared enemy will fall victim. They are Circle 8 spells called Air Mine that excels in hiding and blowing up the enemy. It is a highly compressed atmospheric magic that will violently tear apart anyone that comes too close carelessly.

Faster than any person's reaction, the spell will dismantle Kairos the moment he dared to step out of the shadows.

However, the smile on her face lasted only a mere moment.

She felt a deathly chill as a shadow appeared next to one of the Aura Knights, and before anyone could respond, his head was slowly twisted all the way around.

The magic traps she was so proud of did not activate at all and now they are down to 8.

Everyone felt their hair stood on ends as the lad disappeared back into the embrace of the shadows.

It was just in time as the Arcane Archer shot out a hail of arrows straight at his face.

The speed of her attacks shows that she has top-notched skills. When Kairos disappeared again, the arrows that should have missed suddenly detonated all at once.

A grand blast of mana caused shockwaves to the entire building like mini explosives.

Kairos who should be just next to it would be terribly wounded by the rocketing mana.

Even a Ranked A monster will die instantly if it was hit by one of those arrows directly.

Considering that such a creature is from the higher realm of Gaia, its toughness and life force will be equalled to a powerful Class 7 Beast.

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