Chapter 7: Linda

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Relestia had a lot to catch up after years of slumber and Kairos patiently told her everything that happened since assassins attacked the Vestimore royal family. When she heard that her father is still alive, Relestia started falling nonstop with relief. Relestia had truly feared losing her father. Although she is nearly fourteen, her mentality remained at when she was ten.

She wiped them off with the back of her hands again and again, but more tears fell. Then suddenly, as if unable to hold back anymore, Relestia cried loudly, "I'm glad, I'm glad, I'm glad..."

She kept repeating the words as she sobbed.

Kairos gently wrapped his arms around her.

Suddenly, her hand turned into claws and she swiped at Kairos' neck faster than the eye could see.

Kairos lifted a hand slowly to defend himself, it seemed he will not reach in time but in the blink of an eye he already held Relestia's hand.

And then, countless bright light covered everything and the devil screamed and whimpered.

Looking at the shadows within Relestia becoming smaller once again, a large grin appeared on Kairos' face.


Halfway through, the devil had taken possession of Relestia. It wanted to make use of the moment to kill the unguarded Kairos, but it was naïve to try deceive him.

Kairos became even more confident in freeing Relestia from its clutches and had a wide smile on his face.

When Relestia looked over, she blushed terribly. Kairos is still holding her hand and giving her a radiant smile.

The princess didn't even realised that she had been taken over a second before, and she only lowered her head shyly.

Kairos coughed unnaturally and quickly let go.

"Let's bring the coach down. Maybe we can find some healing herbs if we travel over land."

After he said this, Relestia finally realised Kairos' condition. His pale complexion and the scars on his arms are the only things she could see, but the energy Kairos is giving off is exceptionally weak.

The princess is almost in tears again. She fought back the sobs and placed a palm on Kairos' head, "Kai kai don't cry. It's not painful anymore, it's not painful anymore."

Kairos can only continue to reassure her.

After explaining to her everything that transpired, Relestia immediately asked for a scarf to hide her face so that no more Jarls could reach forward with their pig trotters.

Kairos was taken aback, until the princess explained that the same thing happened to her mother in the past. Because of her beauty, the queen had many unnecessary troubles. So whenever the queen went out, she would cover her face.

Kairos sighed. Everything comes with a price, and beauty is not excluded. Fortunately, Kairos had bought several scarfs for hiding Aisa. He took them out and the princess happily chose a few.

When they crossed the mountain ranges, the carriage went towards the nearest pathway. After they landed, the exterior started magically transforming into something that look less obtrusive, a fully covered dark brown wood coach pulled by six white horses.

They travelled more slowly now that they should be outside of the search area. The roads of Axis Mundi is less maintained than Gaia but the expensive suspensions installed made sure there wasn't even a bump for the passengers inside.

The carriage started scanning the area for dangers and introduced the different plants and creatures to them.

Whenever an herb or fruit that is found to be good for healing, he piloted the coach over in hover mode.

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