Chapter 56: I cannot die yet

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A thousand strong came with blaring trumpets and uniformed footsteps.

This new force brought about a great boost of morale for the remaining two hundred odd soldiers that had Kairos and Relestia surrounded.

Their arrival they brought caused the citizens that were peeking from the safety of their homes to shrink back. The marching army caused everything to tremble.

Do your best Kai Kai!

Against such numbers, Aisa gave him her best supportive encouragement. Kairos wanted to roll his eyes.

They had thought the five hundred soldiers were impactful until twice that number arrived. The whole place shook with a great shiver as they came.

Kairos and Relestia did not wait.

The pressure of facing so many is crippling but they both chose to mount an attack.

At the very least, they must take out as many as possible.

Before this fight, Kairos had told the team that their mission this time is to prove to the gnomish citizens that they are capable of fighting against armies. Only with that strength will the princess be able to deliver on her words.

For a small group of people to be able to fight the forces of an entire nation sounded laughable but there was someone else on the Axis that managed to do so before: Veritus, the King of the elves.

That was why nobody laughed when Relestia brought up suggestions to change their laws and people actually got involved. And the same reason why the two of them cannot retreat right now.

Relestia was the one who acted first.

She had been trying to get to Kairos' side since he was wounded, and this lapse created by the reinforcement's entry was the perfect opportunity.

She rushed forward with great haste.

As she moved, afterimages were left with every step.

Unable to accurately determine her position, the troops moved en masse to block her from reaching Kairos.

Her initial success was quickly met with a tough wall.

More and more tried to get in her way, moreover, the soldiers that had long realised the lack of killing intent on her blade and are unafraid of her.

At a moment when time is of the essence and Kairos' condition is unclear, Relestia's desperation is tremendous. For the first time in her life, she wanted to cut down those that stood in her way.

No, she didn't want to, she needed to.

At this point, the princess could not spare the effort to ensure those she hurt would not die.

In her urgency to get to his side, she wanted to tear a hole through the crowd standing in between. Yet, the princess could tell from her opponents' disdain, that despite her prowess they saw her as a mere girl playing with a sword.

Even the greenhorns that first stepped onto the battlefield attacked Kairos and Relestia with intent to kill but she had been merciful towards her enemies. Now, she suffered from them taking advantage of her weakness. The mere distance to Kairos seemed to stretch out for miles.

The more fearlessly they got in her way, the more she felt they are taunting her.

One of the most destructive forces in the world is the scorn of a woman, and rightfully so.

The usually demure princess snapped but when she is furious, she turns stoic. They would not grant her passage way? Then she will create one. Relestia pushed forward again, only this time, the haste in her steps were gone. Replaced are the steeled determination of a warrior and a firm sword arm. The thin blade in her hand vibrated threateningly.

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