Chapter 70: Winter Drake Nest (Part 2)

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The stench of rotting roots and filthy waste filled the air. The cold morning breeze did nothing to alleviate the smell. If anything, it caused the odour to permeate the tunics underneath their scale mails.

They stood at attention, preparing to be attacked at any time. Before them is a massive black pit in the ground. They stared at it, not daring to let their eyes stray, as though it is the gaping maw of a dangerous beast.

Someone suddenly pointed, "Smoke... I see smoke!"

"Quiet. Draw your weapons," one of the ten captains reminded, and the lot drew their swords.

Their commander, Tommy is walking around scouting for all the tunnelled hovels of the Stone Biters. Each time one was found he would set alight dry leaves and branches. To prevent these rodents from scattering away through the different exits, Tommy has to act fast. At least before the smock reaches in and alerts their prey. Fortunately, with his Soul Perception, it is a matter of minutes to finish the task.

When he returned to the only path he left for the Stone Biters to escape, he still had time to address his men for the coming battle.

"Stand firm. They will be confused, fearful, and savage. If one of you falls back, the rats will take every inch of space you gave. Your weakness makes them bolder, step by step until they can eat you alive. Your cowardice will make those around you pay the price.

Only if you move as one you may survive!"

Like a drowning man grasping at the reeds, they hang on to his every word. Whatever he says now burns into their minds as the only thing that could save them.

Before they could think harder into things, a pestilence of mangy rats scurried out of the massive pit chased by the smock that Tommy set upon them.

"FOCUS!" an angry roar from their commander snapped their senses back to reality.

They held their swords firmly like their lives depended on it, and arguably it does.

Spittle, lumps of dirt and filth, and all sorts of bugs sprayed about as the rodents charged at the soldiers.

These rats, blinded and disarrayed by the black smoke may be mindlessly fleeing for their lives, but they remained bloodthirsty and pounced at the warriors.


A low resounding sound of metal against fangs announced the beginning of their clash.

After an initial flinch at the unexpected force of their foes, the men stood their grounds and swung their weapons like a well-oiled machine.

The rats, untrained, fearful, squeaked loudly. Their giant front teeth gnashed and ripped at anything they could bite.

"Clockwise!" Tommy commanded.

Before the first rat could gain a firm hold of a cultivator with its teeth, the group spun right with swords out.

Like a serrating saw, the rats lost their limbs and heads as the blades flew past.

The colony broke apart, fleeing at all directions away from the warriors and their ruined nest.

If they fled, they will bring about a plague upon the other creatures and illness may spread to innocent hunters.

"I am the harbinger of the thunderous night!"

A soft incantation like the whisper of the winds silenced the raucous battle.

Suddenly, a white shadow flashed across their eyes. Everyone stood still at that moment, men or rats.

Inscribed into their sight is a solitary fist that could shatter all that crosses its path.

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