Chapter 74: The Maid's Punishment

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Infuriated, the king's large face reddened, eyes widened, and moustache flared.

Snow almost fell face to palm. This one standing beside her is a genius of eloquence with few equal. The way he said he gave each drake a punch is obviously aimed at the king. An open threat, by this oppressive air if not from his words.

"Your majesty, I can attest to his words," the housekeeper spoke up, his interruption was timely.

After much effort on Lufter's part to force his temper down, the king said, "Since the young lord can so easily tame the creatures, I believe handing us some drakes to reimburse the damages from the mayhem you caused is fair."

Snow shot Tommy with a look. The latter visibly shrunk.

He could stare down an army of foes, but not last a second under Snow's gaze. It wasn't like she is terrifying. Yep, it's just to let her have her time.


Tommy secretly wiped the sweat off his brows.

Snow smiled at Lufter Pendragon; a friendly gesture that caused the lad next to her to shiver. With approval, of course.

"Your majesty is wise indeed. But I fear that when I was on my way to the castle, I had a terrible fall."

"Oh, my dear girl. We do hope you were not injured by the fall?"

"I'm afraid that I may be well, but I broke my emperor jades. The value... I'd say is worth no less than the drakes."

Tommy quipped, "Five hundred and twenty."

Just as he believed, with the missus around, he does not have to worry that the Snowdrifts will be taken advantage of.

Snow nodded, "A value no less than five hundred and twenty drakes. Perhaps your majesty could compensate my losses since I incurred them because of our trade?"

"As... as you mentioned, it was just a fall, I don't suppose..."

"Your majesty, it was no accident. Hearing your citizens eagerness to persecute my fiancé, I just had to hurry over."

Lufter fell silent. Snow is a daring negotiator, and frankly, they have got nothing on her.

Most importantly, regardless how confident the king feels about his kingdom, he must admit that they cannot offend a superpower like Snowdrifts.

Lufter Pendragon relented, but his greed is not so easily denied.

"Logres and Snowdrifts are partnering up, yet today's incident is unfavourable to our harmony in the future. Especially, how other countries will look at us. Perhaps asking for all five hundred and twenty drakes is a bit much on our part, but just a hundred should make things right and appease the people, wouldn't you say?"

Lufter believes that with a hundred drakes, he can discover the way to tame more. After all, these creatures are highly intelligent, and could share much more than one would suppose, despite not being able to speak the human tongue.

Snow nodded, much to the surprise of Tommy. She relented? So easily? Imposssssible!

"I did not come today about the first test, after all, Tommy had completed it perfectly. Instead, my main task today is to deliver the swords for our trade. Would your majesty like to test the weapon your soldiers will be using?"

Hearing that Snow is here bringing the Star Runes weapons, the king was like an extra-sized child receiving his mail-order parcel on Christmas morning.

Lufter quickly send for some knights and metal blocks to do the test.

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