Chapter 48: Trial of the Heart Demon (Part 1)

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The wolf king cub became increasingly frustrated as the battle went on. Of all its companions, it is the only one being hit.

With its fur puffed up in anger, it jumped into the air and bit John Doe on his head.

Unfortunately, it is still small and unable to swallow its target with its tiny maw like it imagined.

The man yelled in pain with the wolf attached to his head like a new hat, but no matter how he struck the creature, it did not bulge as if it wasn't an animal but a plushie.

John Doe suddenly felt himself pitiable. While being bitten by the wolf cub, he is also ridden with fleas.

Of course, those bugs are controlled by the Apoidea Queen and did not jump onto the wolf cub's fur, but the little one's eyes kept twitching as it looked at all the insects squirming around.

John Doe looks at his partner in crime, Glittersprout, and sighed internally.

The gnome had been wrapped up with ropes by the fennec fox, and the moon rabbit now sits on his chest.

The gnome, not willing to disturb the adorable little thing, tried his best not to move. Even his breathing was soft and controlled.

Seeing this, John Doe's self-pitying went off the charts even as he tried to scratch himself. He promptly gave himself up and sat down on the ground.

Only then did the fleas jumped away but the wolf king cub did not let go of the man's head. Blood poured down on the man's face, but the little thing thought about the few punches it received only bit harder.

Ignoring the two fools, the Circle 9 Arcane Archer Exterminus Starwalk is completely focused on Kairos.

"My disciple that you killed. You do not know who she is?" the archer asked in a dangerous voice.

Kairos nodded, "Let me think... Was she the arcane archer I killed at the embassy?"

Despite having perfect recall, it is difficult to link up the arcane archer from the embassy with this Circle 9 archer. The reason is simple, this man only shot an explosive arrow at him and there are too many bowmen in this world with the same type of attack.

Besides, the Circle 7 Arcane Archer at the embassy could rapid fire a rain of arrows and make them explode with immense precision to cause percussion damage to him, while this man only shot one arrow that exploded after being deflected into an assassin.

To Kairos, this person is poorly skilled compared to his disciple.

He did not know that this is in fact the truth, and also the reason why Exterminus is furious to learn of her death.

She was an apprentice that could take what he taught her and improve on it to much greater heights. It isn't surprising that she could set off a volley of explosive arrows that could resonate their shockwaves to do incredible damage while her teacher can only launch one measly normal explosive arrow.

Such a precious resource that could bring him unlimited potential had been destroyed by this boy.

That anger must be repaid by blood.

Furthermore, he can tell from the lad's eyes that he is being underestimated. Exterminus might be less skillful as an archer than his apprentice, but the arcane archer is made up of two components, and he is plans to help Kairos understand he is far more talented than any other Arcane Archer.

For the mighty, a slight on their abilities is a great offense.

But no matter, the result of such affront shall be extracted from the foolish through endless pain.

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