Chapter 57: Heroes (Part 1)

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The soldiers rushing towards Kairos immediately turned and fled. Those slow in retreating or had come too close, suddenly grasped at their chests and fell heavily to the ground.

They tumbled forward, rolling uncontrollably until they fell around Kairos' feet, joining the rest of those prostrated on the ground.

They twitched and convulsed in unimaginable pain. Their bodies stiffen as their eyes dilated in fear.

So much fear that their lungs paralysed, and their hearts stopped one by one. Despite their twisted terrified expressions no one made a sound and died. And then, by the effects of the aura, they blackened and crumbled.

Those that managed to get away stared in horror as their comrades silently passed away.

Then Kairos walked towards them.

He is releasing the famed Death Aura instead of his legendary Demiurge Aura for no reason other than the latter not being within his control.

Even this aura is not freely wieldable with his current control, only affecting those within fifty paces of himself.

The only exception was when he killed Ironwood with a Death Aura infused sword slash, but that is not a skill he can use as he please. Or more accurately, he is not well-versed enough to use it frequently and he had been lucky to fire it out at all.

This trip had been one of gamble and chance. Truly something different from how he operated.

As he approached, the soldiers cowered frightfully.

"Look! Those prostrated are still alive!"

In spite of the thick and suffocating death aura, there are still survivors, much to the surprise of everyone. A keen eye spotted the strange sight and alarmed the rest. After all, they can hardly run away fast enough as an army. Those that could get away are the ones further behind.

"What are you guys waiting for then, get down on your faces if you want to live!"

"Fool! Are you saying we should bow down to our enemies?"

"What enemies?! We are the ones attacking them. If we just back off none of this will happen!"

"Have you no pride? After taking your salary, you'd just abandon the cause?"

"Foolishness, what is pay good for if we die here!"

Wild shouting and mixed instructions confused the rank and file.

As Kairos came closer, those nearest started falling. The sight drove them back, but there were too many behind and limited spaces.

A single lad forced back an entire army, pushing them to make a decision.

In the end these are men paid for their services to the nobles. It isn't their homes that they are protecting behind them, but the properties of the rich.

The panic of a few men soon set loose the others, and everyone reverted from plant forms and fell to their faces. Even the ones further away followed suit.

"The battle is over!" Kairos cried out. Around him, a circle of troops paved on the ground quietly. As they saw, those who submitted survived.

The power of the Aura Arts is dependent on one's strength of will contesting against another.

To dominate another so utterly that it brings death is the death aura's speciality.

If their will is strong enough, they can shrug off any type of aura, and if their vitality is adequate, the death aura's unique effects will be depleted without killing. Unfortunately, the spirits of the soldiers here have all been crushed and once you break the spirit of another then the fight is over.

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