Chapter 25: Royalty

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A swift punch from the young man knocked the storekeeper down to the floor. Without stopping, he rushed forward and kicked at the fallen man.

Just as everyone thought that the shop owner is going to be beaten to death, Kairos' figure suddenly appeared in between them as the young man howled painfully holding his leg.

When the others looked again, they saw the young man's toes were crushed and misshapen.

A few people screamed, but most remained quiet. The majority out of fear, the rest because the injury was strange.

"What... what did you do?" the elf asked with terror. He had smelled the scent of danger from Kairos a while ago, only things happened faster than he could warn his companions.

Only now did everyone snap out of their stupor and immediately someone ran for the guards.

Kairos shook his head nonchalantly and pointed at the young man rolling in pain on the ground, "Everyone here witnessed him kicking me while I stood there without moving. I am not responsible for his weak feet. If his legs are so fragile, he should wear more socks."

They looked at the young man's broken toes and back at Kairos screaming in their hearts, "Whose sock could stop that damage!?"

At this time the closest guards finally reached, a pair of thickly muscled dwarves that the crowd quickly parted for. They heard the two long before anyone seen them.

The dwarven guards stood right in front of the young man looking grimly at what happened.

One was short, the other shorter.

The smaller dwarf immediately shouted at the even tinier gnome nearby and asked her what happened. As part of the elf's team, she immediately explained what happened.

In front of so many people, she was not brainless enough to weave a tall tale. Besides, the dwarves are well-known to be impartial.

Of course, the gnome did not forget to add plenty speculations of how Kairos could have attacked at a speed no one could tell or used some kind of Aura Art.

At the same time, his partner, the larger dwarf, is looking over the young man's mangled toes.

On the ground besides them is a hovering glass ball that is flashing between blue and red. Those who sees it knows that the city guards are at work, and anyone who hinders their job – be it standing around and blocking the incoming healers or distracting the guards with noisy murmurs – will all be charged a hefty fine.

For these city folk, very often they will be rooted at a crime scene in the face of bloodshed, and this crystal ball serve as a reminder.

"Lad, what's your name?" the smaller dwarf asked Kairos. In his voice there is no tone of accusation. Apparently, the dwarf guard wanted to hear both sides of the story before deciding who is at fault.

After Kairos said his name, he was asked about what had happened here. He explained his version but what Kairos did not say was how the young man got injured.

After all, not many people will believe it if they heard that those who attack him will be hurt much worse than the young man had Kairos not held back.

It is not only because Kairos' Heaven Titan physique makes him so tough that those who hit him will feel like they are striking iron, his Astral Cataclysm, Eternal Empyrean, and True Heavenly Armour, made his defence as powerful as a fortress.

The True Heavenly Armour is the combination of the Heavenly Armour technique learnt from Enki – a divine being he met in the Ghost Maw forest – and the Origin External Cultivation Method.

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