Chapter 36: New Spells

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Without Kairos saying anything, Relestia told Leo all about the Snowdrifts; a strong band of heroes that challenged kings.

Initially, Relestia – as Kairos' number one fan – wanted to pull another victi... supporter into fan club. But, which hot-blooded man would not enjoy a good tale of blood and heroism. Soon, Leo was asking questions by the dozens, and the story did not disappoint.

Kairos led a hundred friends against an entire army of Orcs and held down the fort for more than ten days.

The same year, his brother was kidnapped. Bringing a small group of no more than thirty guild members, they dove deep into an enemy country, extracted their friend, and cut a blood path back home.

On the way they defeated armies, killed a princess and slay a Triple S ranked guardian of the realm with Two Paramount Units.

That is similar to a bunch of Class 4 and 5 Aura Knights killing a Class 9 Grand Cross Knight.

This is as unbelievable as hearing twenty ants crushing an elephant. Some fights just can't be compensated by outnumbering the enemy.

Hearing this from the princess, Leo eyed Kairos suspiciously and asked, "Young Master Kairos doesn't look that old. What age were you when this happened?"

"I was between twelve and thirteen."

Leo felt like he was being tossed around in a hurricane when he heard that replied. He expected Kairos to be young, but twelve is still childhood in Axis Mundi.

Relestia continued, "Using the valuables they took from the enemy empire's treasury, the Snowdrifts one of the largest companies on Gaia in less than a year, showing Kai's talent in the business world to be head and shoulders above everyone else."

Kairos coughed unnaturally at the high praises, but otherwise he calmly accepted the compliments.

"While juggling his new corporate and combat training, Kairos mastered Runes, Talismans, Blacksmithing, Cooking, Herbalism, Stratagems, War Tactics, Seal Creation, and Pill Creation to the limits that Saint Empire could teach him."

She did not mention about Beast Taming, because Kairos gloriously received zero marks on that course. Still this did not change the princess' opinion of Kairos, after all, it is the beasts that were unworthy.

Relestia gave Leo a proud look, as if saying this is how excellent the man she chose.

Although it was definitely flattery, Leo was impressed. After all he had seen Kairos forge a blade and is learning cooking from the boy.

Despite not hearing many of the other trades mentioned, like Runes and Stratagems, if Kairos were even a quarter as good at them as he is in cooking, then this boy definitely has great talent.

"The same year he led his group and killed another Triple S ranker from the immortal realm. I was possessed by this parasitic devil and were sealed for four years."

What happened to Relestia is a secret but Leo had been let in on it a while back. Since they are travel companions, it is better to give the man a heads up in case the devil suddenly takes over while Kairos is away.

Of course, with Aisa around ready to pounce, the devil have to weigh its chances carefully.

The parasite knows this as well, hence it had retreated deeper into protection of its seal but everyone knows that it is far from over.

As expected, it is awaiting its chance. In fact, no one noticed that it had already taken action.

Since Relestia was asleep for four years, Leo turned to Kairos to ask him what happened after.

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