Chapter 65: I have some explaining to do

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Tommy walked out of his tent giddily.

His tent, along with the other leaders', are situated at the centre of their encampment.

When he came out, everyone noticed immediately and swarmed over with questions.

Inside the tent, they can all hear Tommy's parents still excitedly discussing something.

"Aw, Tommy, I'm so happy for you!" the girls that had been stalking the progress jumped out and cheered.

"Was it really tear jerking?" one of them asked.

"I never thought I'll cry because of you Tommy!" Alan said with red eyes, but not forgetting to grind his knuckle on Tommy's head.

Even so, everyone can see that he is truly happy for his brother.

Jim decided it was the perfect time to kick Tommy's shin, "Dumbass you did it!"

His own eyes are tearing up, so he kept looking upwards, hoping it will somehow drain away.

Edward patted Tommy on his back quietly. A wide grin on his face.

The archer did think about his own broken family. His parents and siblings that were slain and never to see them again, but he suppressed it down.

Every cultivator has his own trial of the heart demon.

At this moment, he only wanted to celebrate with Tommy.

Seeing Tommy unresponsive, the others quickly calmed down.

Someone asked, "How did things go? They couldn't help us?"

Besides a reunion, Tommy had told them that he wanted to get the resources for Snowdrifts.

"Even if they said no, don't be depressed. We can think of another way!"

"Yes, you just came home, you should be happily getting spoiled by your mom and dad right now!"

Saying so, they wanted to push Tommy back into the tent.

Their actions finally pulled him out of his stupor a little.

"M... married," Tommy said stupidly.


"I'm getting married."


"My mom and dad want me to marry the princess. Their heir presumptive."

The busy construction around them fell silent all at once like a practiced orchestra.

Everyone looked over. These large men and hardened warriors had all been secretly listening in.

After all, Tommy is their commander, a position won from his two promotion trials and that makes him their rightful lord.

The promotion trial is tradition, sacred and deep-rooted in the hearts of all the northerners. It allows the Great Khan to absorb all the clans into the Frosthral Feudal State, it also allows Tommy of the Shakyamuni clan to rule them.

In other words, for these northerners, no matter which lord the warriors follows and whatever dispute they fight over, it will always be an internal affair and cannot be considered traitorous.

Now, if Tommy is to marry the heir presumptive, the crown princess of Logres, it is news that concerns all of them.

"I have to go dress up," Tommy weakly said, his voice sounded like a mosquito's.

Suddenly, all his friends around him burst into laughter.

Jim smacked Tommy on the back, "Impressive! You might be the first one to find a wife."

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