Chapter 55: Against an Army (Part 2)

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Loud blasts and disorientating lights covered everything.

The pungent smell before a storm arrives mixed with a smoky charred scent announced the presence of the king of all elemental magic. Lightning.

Being 355 times faster than the speed of sound, it is almost unavoidable once someone is targeted.

Traditional protection is ineffective as well when even the best insulators will heat up and burn.

Of course, the mana needed to command such a powerful element is immense as well.

The Ents are the only beings on Axis Mundi that could draw enough magic by itself to use lightning powerful enough against an army. On knowing the targets are Omega level threats, the nobles know that they must bring a platoon.

Lightning spears and electric snakes immediately flooded the area.

The mana creations were wiped out immediately. Then, the roaring flashes swallowed Kairos and Relestia.

A great and terrible boom along with searing white light scorched the grounds. If the city had not been protected with a multitude of spells, all the buildings in this area would had been knocked down.

As the flashes dimmed, two figures ran out from the storm, hardly hindered.

Kairos only had minor burns and wounds. Behind him, Relestia remained unharmed with him shielding.

The army looked surprised. The Ents did not have much time to gather mana, but their lightning storm is more than a dozen times stronger than a regular thundercloud bolt.

A non-magical lightning strike kills one-third of its victims; fewer if they are warriors. This is due to the fact that the majority of the energy goes over the surface of a person in a process known as external flashover.

Normal lightning is not dangerous to a cultivator unless the voltage is delivered inside the body and remains there without departing.

Magical lightning is no different, except that it has a higher voltage and may be aimed towards an adversary.

This bombardment may be enough to kill most Aura Masters and even stout dwarven warriors, but it isn't enough to worry Kairos and Relestia.

Of course, if it is a Ki technique, it is going to be dangerous. This kind is more compact, with a grid as large as a man's waist and mows anything down in a straight line. The force alone is like a giant hammer blow and if you survive you'll have to deal with the currents that continue to ravage through your body.

In fact, the strongest lightning art Kairos have seen is his own creation, the Heavenly Lightning Storm technique that he wields. Even the Greater Storm Spirit, Tempest, can throw out such tiny sparks with a snap. It's no wonder that the Ents' spells did not faze him.

Moreover, from Gaia's classification, Ents should be of the wood element, to use an unsuitable element only diminishes the firepower.

The two charged into the enemy ranks through the opening created from the previous explosions.

Anyone who fought across a battlefield can tell you that cutting through 500 soldiers is as difficult as skipping stone past the lake, and just as easy.

In other words, those that can, can, and those that can't, can't.

With enough strength and momentum, enemies in front of you will crumble like dusty sand, but if you were stopped for even a moment, they will engulf you like a quagmire.

They cut through scores of oaks and Vine Treants that tried standing before them.

Bulky trunks tried to block the two and tendrils shot out with blinding speed, no less dangerous than the spear a knight would carry.

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