Chapter 22: Egg Gambling (Part 1)

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The pressure of countless gazes glaring at Kairos continued to build. In this situation, he depended on his most reliable teammate, Aisa. It's convenient that the dragon had never left Relestia's side, waiting for the devil within her to surface.

Dragons are well-known as the king of beasts, and Aisa is one of the strongest of her race. She let out the tiniest silver aura showing her displeasure and immediately every creature that has fur turned into a fluff ball.

They scurried back hurriedly but refused to completely part away.

"The great one! It's the great one!"

"The great one!"

"He is looking over at us!"

"I wanna go closer to take a look."

"You'll die! Didn't you get warned?"

"But... It's there great one! Look, he's so close!"

It isn't strange for magical creatures to speak, fortunately Aisa was quick enough to send a blanket message into the minds of all the creatures around and hush them before the people can hear.

She secretly breathe a sigh of relief, the creatures had been softly whispering after they were frightened by her presence and magicians and Aura Masters are not like Cultivators who have better hearing than normal.

The people were left there confused and surprised.

While everyone is looking around for an answer, someone spotted Kairos from afar.

A group of young men and women from every race, except for the dwarves, came walking over.

Kairos took one look at them and raised an eyebrow.

Leo had just been telling him about the girlie and her new friends, and now they bumped into each other.

Aisa who is hidden inside Kairos' scarf, pulled at the fabric, tugging it twice; her signal to say that she senses wickedness in those approaching.

"Which one?"

Kai~ All!

"What... no way. Even the girlie?"

She has become much worse than before.

As Aisa explained, people are usually neither perfectly good nor completely evil, but a bundle of different emotions. The burly merchant's daughter had been a shade darker than the rest of her family, but it didn't make her a wicked person. Yet, now...

Kairos could only shake his head at the bad company she found.

At this time, the leader of the group – a young human male – stepped right in Kairos' face and said, "So you are Kairos the brewer?"

"Who's asking?" Kairos said with a slight frown.

"Who I am doesn't matter. You, however, better start answering my question," the young man said arrogantly. It is obvious from the way they dressed they are definitely rolling in gold, and the man's attitude speak volumes about how he is used to ordering people around. However, that doesn't work with Kairos.

"You're right, who you are doesn't matter, and whether to answer your question is better or worse is for me to judge."

On the side, Relestia puffed up her cheeks to stifle a laugh.

Linda turned and looked at her father and softly asked, "Daddy are they bad people?"

Leo had to quickly carry her to stop her from asking more questions.

Fortunately, the other party did not seem to hear.

At this time, the burly merchant's daughter came over and smiled at Kairos, "Kairos, sorry we were abrupt. My friends heard how wonderful your ale was and just wanted to try."

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